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Public Works.

244. Governor may proclaim water-races, and take any stream to supply water-raoe. 245. Map to be deposited in Warden's Court. 246. Governor may alter the course of any waterrace. 247. On unsurveyed land, Proclamation to be in general terms, but line to be pegged out. 248. How and when limits of land for water-race and streams taken therefor shall be determined. 249. Governor may revoke Proclamation as to water-race. 250. Water-races vested in the Crown. 251. Powers of Minister to construct or purchase water-races. 252. Water-raoes subject to Mining Regulations. 253. Minister may make regulations for using water-raoes. 254. Penalty for taking water from proclaimed water-raoe or stream. 255. Penalty for damaging water-raoe. Penalty for using water - raoe without paying charges. 256. Governor may lease water-race. 257. Governor may contraot for making waterrace on certain conditions. 258. Such water-race to be under this Aot, but to vest in contractors. 259. Moneys aocruing from water-races to be part of Consolidated Fund. 260. Moneys payable to be voted by Parliament. Water-races, do., held under Mining Acts. 261. Speoial provisions relating to water-races and works within mining distriots. Transfer of Water-races to Counties. 262. Governor may, with their consent, transfer water-races to counties. 263. Powers, &c, thereupon to vest in County Councils. 264. County Counoils to keep water-races in repair. 265. County Councils may purchase water-race or make new water-races. 266. Revenue of water-races to be paid to County Fund.

PART XII. Wateb-poweb. 267. Use of water in lakes, &c, for electrioal purposes to vest in the Crown. Acquisition of existing rights or lands. 268. Delegation of powers to looal authority. 269. Power to grant rights for certain purposes. 270. Use of water for mining purposes. 271. Rights under certain Acts reserved. PART XIII. General Provisions. 272. Governor may exeoute instruments. 273. Moneys due by local authority may be deducted from moneys payable to it by Government. 274. Power of looal authorities to settle claims. 275. Recovery of possession of land from persons holding illegal possession thereof. 276. Penalty for obstructing workmen, or destroying fences, marks, &c. 277. Penalty for destroying buildings or bridges. 278. Fines recoverable in a summary way. 279. Powers of Magistrate. 280. Making by-laws by local authority. 281. Validation of Orders in Council and Proclamations. 282. Works authorised or anything commenced under repealed enactments may be completed under those enactments, or may be completed under this Act. Proviso. 283. Railways and publio works, &c, under previous Acts to be deemed constructed under this Act. Existing Proclamations, Orders, regulations, &c, to remain in force. 284. Saving of Aots. 285. References to repealed Act to apply to this Aot. 286. Certain enactments continued in force. 287. Tailings not to be disoharged within five chains of a bridge. 288. Powers of Borough Councils to aoquire land. Schedules.

An Act to compile certain Acts relating to Public Works. Titk BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — 1. (1.) The Short Title of this Act is "The Public Works Act, short Title. 5 1905." (2.) This Act is a compilation of the Acts mentioned in the First Schedule hereto. (3.) This Act is divided into the several Parts, as follows :— 1894, No. 42, seo. l Part I. —Preliminary. 10 Part ll.—Taking Lands for Public Works. Part lll.—Compensation. Part IV.—Native Lands. Part V. —Surveys. Part Vl.—Roads and Rivers. 15 Part Vll.—Railways^ Part Vlll.—Railways and Tramways Regulation and Inspection. Part IX.—Defence., Part X.—Drainage Dy Public Bodies. Part XL—Supply of Water for Mining Districts. 20 Part Xll.—Water-power. Part Xlll.—General Provisions.