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six calls, as may be found necessary in the interests of the Pacific Cable Board; also to call at Hull Island as may be required to pick up or transfer passengers from or to a boat, such arrangement to be on trial only, and subject to withdrawal at any time by the Postmaster-General without notice. I may add that the Deputy Postmasters-General, Sydney and Brisbane, have been instructed, as desired by you, to arrange for their respective offices to make up a special bag addressed to the Postmaster, Fanning Island. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Robt. F. Scott, Secretary.

No. 55. The Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Washington, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Post Office Department, Office of Foreign Mails, Washington, D.C., Sir,— 27th July, 1904. I have the honour, by direction of the Postmaster-General, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st ultimo, announcing that the arrangement whereby Fanning Island was served by the San Francisco mail-steamers has been terminated, and that, so far as your Administration is aware, the mails will, from September next, be carried six times a year by vessels of the Canadian-Australian line; the best despatch from the United States appearing to be obtained by continuing to send mails for Fanning Island to Auckland for onward transmission to connect with the Canadian-Australian steamers at Suva. In reply, I am to inform you that the necessary instructions in regard to the matter have been issued by this Department. 1 am, &c, N. M. Brooks, Superintendent of Foreign Mails. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington.

No. 56. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Melbourne. (Telegram.) Wellington, 4th August, 1904. New Zealand willing to pay transfer Vancouver mail-steamers from Queensland to New Zealand, but was led to believe Canada opposed change. Am now cabling inquiring.

No. 57. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Ottawa. (Telegram.) Wellington, 4th August, 1904. Are you agreeable give up Vancouver mail-steamers calling Brisbane, Queensland, and substitute Auckland, New Zealand, instead ?

No. 58. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. (Telegram.) Wellington, 4th August, 1904. A letter of 20th July from General Post Office, Melbourne, indicates that Vancouver steamer is to call at Fanning Island on both the up and the down trip, or perhaps alternately. Is there any alteration of the route set out in your telegram of the 23rd June?

No. 59. The Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 4th August, 1904. No change in proposals re frequency of calls Fanning Island. Canadian Government so far decline allow, but understand Cable Board still negotiating with them to grant permission. Will advise you as soon as hear result.

No. 60. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Ottawa, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Ottawa, sth August, 1904. To have steamers call Auckland would appear to this Department cause such delay as to seriously weaken present service.