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No. 46. The Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 9th June, 1904. Departure " Moura " from Auckland for Fiji postponed till Thursday, 16th. Intend continue Thursday sailing Fiji direct steamer for next few months with view to give close connection from south by " Rotoiti " to Onehunga.

No. 47. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Director, International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, Berne. General Post Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1904. Sir, — Mails for Fanning Island. Referring to my letter of the 30th December, 1902 [No. 67, F.-6, 1903], I have the honour to inform you that the arrangement whereby Fanning Island was served by the San Francisco mail-steamers was terminated with the Auckland despatch of the 20th ultimo. So far as this Department is at present aware, the vessels of the Canadian-Australian line running between Brisbane, Suva, and Vancouver will, from September next, call at the island six times a year. I have, &c, W. Gray, Secretary. The Director, International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, Berne.

No. 48. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the SuPEiUNxiiNDENT, Office of Foreign Mails, Foreign Post Department, Washington. General Post Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1904. Sir, — Mails for Fanning Island. Referring to my letter of the 30th December, 1902 [No. 67, F.-6, 1903], I have the honour to inform you that the arrangement whereby Fanning Island was served by San Francisco mailsteamers has been terminated, and, so far as this Department is at present aware, the mails will from September next be carried six times a year by vessels of the Canadian-Australian line. The best despatch from the United States appears to be obtained by continuing to send mails for Fanning Island to Auckland for onward transmission to connect with the Canadian-Australian steamers at Suva. I have, &c, W. Gray, Secretary. The Superintendent, Office of Foreign Mails, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C.

No. 49. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Secretary, General Post Office, London. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1904. Referring to my letter of the 29th December, 1902 [No. 66, F.-6, 1903], I have the honour to inform you that the arrangement whereby Fanning Island was served by the San Francisco mail-steamers was terminated with the Auckland despatch of the 20th ultimo. The present proposal is that the vessels of the Canadian-Australian line running between Brisbane, Suva, and Vancouver shall, from September next, call at the island six times a year. In the meantime H.M.C.S. " Iris " will probably visit Fanning Island next month. Mail-matter should continue to be forwarded to Auckland for onward despatch, except in the case of mails leaving London on the 29th July, 23rd September, 18th November, and every eighth week thereafter, when correspondence should be enclosed in the mail for Sydney. I have, &c, W. Gray, for the Postmaster-General. The Secretary, General Post Office, London.