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No. 4. The Sbcbitaet, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, Ist June, 1904. _ Have you any knowledge of the alleged overpayment of three thousands pounds, Frisco service ( Vide Melbourne Press cable published yesterday's newspapers.

■ No. 5. Messrs. Henderson and Macfaelane, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram ) Auckland, Ist June, 1904. Have no knowledge of overpayment of £3,000 by Federal Government. Press cable appears Auckland Herald this morning stating Oceanic Company claims short payment of £13,000 from Federal States.

No. 6. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Henderson and Macfaelane, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 4th June, 1904. Gratuities paid to your company for carriage of mails, Auckland to Sydney, from beginning ot service to 31st December last, £279 18s. This includes £205 9s. 6d. paid for same service up to end July 1903. Rates—Letters, 2s. per pound; other articles £1 10s. per ton. Received from Fiji and paid to your company: 1900, £9 12s. 9d. ; 1901, £115 2s lid. ; 1902 £43 2s sd. ; 1903 £45 Is Bd. : total, £212 19s. 9d. Kate for carriage Fiji mails up to 30th June, 1901— Letters 12s. per pound; books, Is. 6d. per pound; news, 6d. per pound. From Ist July to mail of 9th November, 1901, inclusive: Letters, 10s. 5d.; books, Is.; news, 6dFrom mail of 30th November, 1901, to date: Letters, 7s. 6d. ; books, Is.; news, 6d. This office has not collected from New Caledonia for use of San Francisco service since your company took over service Payments would be on Postal Union basis, and probably amount to £6 or £7.

No. 7. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland. Gentlemen — General Post Office, Wellington, 6th June, 1904. I have the honour to refer to your letter of the 9th ultimo, and your telegram of the 30th'idem [not printed], on the subject of the request of the Sydney agents of the Oceanic Steamship Company to be furnished witli information as to payments by the Postal Administrations at Fin and New Caledonia for the conveyance of mails by the steamers of the Oceanic Company, together with rates of payment and weights of mail-matter, since November, 1900; and also payments by this Department for New Zealand mails carried from Auckland to Sydney during the confirm my telegram of the 4th instant, in reply. In support of the figures supplied, I also enclose statements [not printed] giving rates and amounts of the several payments made by the Post Offices of New Zealand and Fiji, together with rates of payment. As advised in my telegram, no amount in respect of New Caledonia mails conveyed by the San Francisco service has been collected since your company took over the service. Prior to the year 1900 payments were made on the Postal Union basis. Under the same arrangement there would probably be payable for the period from November, 1900, to date a sum of £6 or £7. W. Gray, Secretary. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, General Agents for New Zealand, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland.

No. 8. Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Co., Sydney, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Oceanic Steamship Company (American and Australian Line), Sydney, 6th June, 1904. A dispute has arisen with the Australian Government as to the rates of poundage pay•,ble to (he Oceanic Steamship Company for the conveyance of the Australian mails from Sydney to fan FrtciscT Is the managing agents for the company, we respectfully take the liberty of period since the present three-weekly service. began 1900. The company claims to be entitled to the same rates as were being paid prior to that date