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1. Report of the Governors. The returns for the year asked for <by the Department have all been supplied, and the accounts have been passed as correct by the Auditor-General. The headmaster reports favourably on the school's progress during the year. The success which has followed the establishment of the Palmerston North High School must be very gratifying to the inhabitants of the district, who have by it been supplied with a long-felt want. Thanks are due to the Board who have devoted their time and energy to the administration of its affairs—to the staff, to whom the success of the school is akin to the breath of life—and also to the Right Hon. the Minister of Education, the author of " The Secondary Schools Act, 1903," by means of which the establishment of this school became a possibility. Our high school has the distinction of being the first high school established under that Act. Let us hope that it will thrive, and under divine blessing help to make good men and women of our boys and girls. 2. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1904.

Receipts. £ s. d. Government capitation for free places .. 959 8 9 Paid by School Commissioners .. .. 191 9 4 School fees.. .. .. .. .. 149 3 4 Donations — Voluntary contributions from persons not on the Board, &c. (section 13, (i), " The Secondary Schools Act, 1903 ") 51 3 0 Technical School fees and material .. 20 18 0 TypewrhVr-class fees .. .. .. 4 0 0 Receipts from Wanganui Education Board .. 34 17 8

Expenditure. £ s. dExpenses of management.. .. .. 5 7 5 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. 842 5 0 Caretaker's wages .. .. .. 78 0 0 Furniture, fittings, and apparatus .. .. 74 8 6 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 16 1 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 12 9 3 Sheds and additions .. .. .. 91 9 0 Fencing, repairs, &o. .. .. .. 7 0 0 Fire and accident insurance .. .. 11 1 0 Piano, part payment, hire-purchase .. 18 0 0 £ s. d. Balance in bank at end of year .. 381 9 9 Less outstanding cheques .. 126 11 5 254 18 4

£1,411 0 1 £1,411 0 1 W. T. Wood, Chairman. G. Hirsch, F.1.A.N.Z., Hon. Secretary. Examined and found correct. —J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. 3. Work of the Highest, and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English—Manual of English Grammar and Composition (Nesfield) ; Carlyle's French Revolution; Thackeray's Esmond ; Julius Cißsar; Merchant of Venice. Geography—The World; (Longman, Book II.); Elementary Physiography (Morgan). Latin—Latin Prose (Ramsay), Part I.; Virgil's ißneid, Book XII. Grammar. Arithmetic (Goyen). Algebra —To the progressions (Hall and Knight). Euclid—Books 111., IV., VI. (1-20), (Hall and Stevens). Trigonometry —To solution of triangles (Pendlebury). Science — Physiology (Furneaux). Mechanics — Kinetics, statics, hydrostatics (Loney). French — Chardenal's second course; Chardenal's advanced course to Exercise 64; Wellington College Grammar; " Le Cid " (4 acts). Woodwork and Cookery. Lowest. —English —English Grammar and Composition, Parts I. and 11. (Nesfield); Ivanhoe (Scott); Marmion (Scott). Geography —Europe, Africa, and Physical (Longmans' The World, Book II.). History—To A.D. 1485 (Ransome). Latin —Via Latina, pages 1-100 (Abbott). Arithmetic —Goyen, chapters 1-16. Algebra—Longmans' Junior, chapters 1-11. Geometry— Baker and Bourne, Books I. and 11. Science —Elementary Botany; Elementary Agriculture. French—Chardenal's First Course, to Exercise 100; Huit Comtes (Rivington). Shorthand— Pitman's Teacher. Book-keeping, drawing, woodwork, cookery. WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. College.—Mi. J. P. Firth, B.A. ; Mr. A. Heine, 8.A.; Mr. J. Bee, M.A.; Mr. W. F. Ward, M.A.; Mr. A. C. Gifford, M.A.; Mr. G. G. S. Robison, M.A. ; Mr. T. Brodie, B.A. ; Mr. T. Jordan, 8.A.; Mr. F. Renner, M.A. ; Mr. R. E. Rudman, 8.A.; Mr. D. Matheson ; Mr. J. H. Goulding ; Mr. C. T. Wild, B.A. ; Instructor in drawing from Technical School. Girls' High School. —Miss M. McLean, M.A. ; Miss M. Morrah, M.A.; Miss M. N. Gellatly, M.A.; Miss I. Ecclesfield, M.A.; Miss W. Fraser, 8.A.; Miss Batham, B.A. ; Miss Newman, 8.A.; Miss Jack ; Miss England; Mr. R. Parker ; Mr. Harrison ; Instructor in drawing from Technical School. 1. Report of the Governors. The Board of Governors have to report that the Wellington College and Girls' High School are still carried on with success, though the Board are unable through want of funds to increase the accommodation or to provide accommodation for boarders, as is required in the Girls' High School. The Board regrets to report that representations made to the Minister of Education on these matters in August last year have up to the present time evoked no reply. The results of the University examinations as affecting the two institutions under charge of the Board of Governors are as follows :— Wellington College.—-Seventeen pupils passed the Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge Examination, one the Matriculation Examination, eight the Medical Preliminary, and three passed the Junior Scholarship Examination with credit,