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Table No. 1. List of the Native Village Schools, and Schools at which Native Children are maintained by the Government of New Zealand, with the Expenditure on each and on General Management, during the Year 1904; and the Names, Status, and Emoluments of the Teachers as in December, 1904.

*** In the column "Position in the School," H M means Head Master; H F, Head Mistress; M, that there is a Master only; F, Misi a-ess on] y; ', Assistant Female Teacher; S, Sewing-mistress. County. Schools. Expenditun during 1904. Buildings, Sites, Fencing, and Furniture. Total. Teachers of Village Schools at the End of the Year. 1 1 5° 0 ,0 * o I « 3 SsiS Remarks. Salaries and House Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure* Mangonui Hapua Te Kao Paparore Rangiawhia Pamapuria Ahipara Pukepoto Kenana Parapara Peria Te Pupuke Whakarara Touwai Whangape Whakarapa Lower Waihou (side school) Maraeroa.. Matihetihe Whirinaki Waima £ s. d. 199 3 3 201 11 1 53 19 10 137 4 8 164 17 4 162 3 11 176 14 3 106 18 7 104 12 5 165 8 9 16 13 4 44 9 9 96 10 7 . 289 9 7 127 17 0 66 13 4 171 18 7 22 7 4 254 11 9 122 18 7 £ s. d. 11 11 0 6 14 1 1 10 2 14 9 13 15 0 7 13 4 12 17 7 5 19 2 14 2 2 12 16 3 7 10 6 66 3 1 0 10 0 10 0 6 16 8 85 6 7 £ s. d. 11 16 4 7 11 7 18 14 4 15 3 0 16 0 20 0 0 £ s. a. 210 14 3 Greensmith, E EM Greensmitb, Mrs. I A F 207 12 5 Ablett, C. W. .. .. H M Ablett, Mrs. E. E AP 66 18 0 Foley, Miss S. P. V P 147 11 0 Taua, W. H. .. .. H M David, Miss S. .. .. A P 178 12 4 ! Matthews, E. W. D. .. H M Matthews, Miss E A P 188 11 7 Crene, P. .. .. .. H M Crene, Mrs. E. .. .. A P 189 11 10 Matthews, P. H. S H M Matthews, Miss M. E. .. A P 128 0 9 Paul, P. E. .. .. H M Paul, Mrs. S. .. .. AF 120 0 7 Godwin, H. P. E H M Godwin, Mrs. M. E S 178 3 0 White, H. H. .. .. HM White, Mrs. I A P 16 13 4 Vacant .. 44 9 9 Vacant 104 1 1 Melntyre, J. .. El H M Mclntyre, Miss E.J. .. AF 355 12 8 South, M. .. .. E2 H M South, Mrs. E. S A P Clarkson, Miss M A P 128 7 0 Irvine, Mrs. L. M HP Irvine, Miss M. .. .. I A P 66 13 4 Irvine, Misn M. S A P Irvine, Miss B i A P 192 18 7 Anderson, Mrs. E. .. El | HP Anderson, Miss M AP 22 7 4 Vacant 261 8 5 Brown, C. H. .. .. !HM Brown, Mrs. O. J. .. E2 AP 208 5 2 Ooughlan, W. N H II Coughlan, Mrs. M A P £ s. d. 167 17 2 41 2 0 161 1 8 43 13 0 80 8 0 122 1 4 15 15 9 144 14 0 29 17 6 123 12 8 36 9 6 127 15 1 21 4 3 103 11 2 9 13 9 97 11 4 11 19 3 156 13 7 41 2 6 School not open March and June quarters. With house allowance, £26 per annum. With allowance for horse keep, £10 pei annum. Schcol reopened March quarter. Whangaroa 97 7 11 23 4 9 ■221 6 7 50 0 0 20 9 0 109 1 2 17 3 6 50 0 0 30 0 0 146 14 11 22 1 0 School not open during ypa-. School not open during year. Hokianga With allowance for conveyance of goods, £10 per annum. I School not open March, September, and December quarters. 264 11 10 00 0 0 112 8 2 24 3 3