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Table No. 7— continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries — continued.

Industrial Schools— continued. Schools — continued. Levin (not vet established) — Salary "of temporary Overseer Stock, farm-labour, &c. .. Clearing, fenoing, &c. (Votes Nos. 62 and 93) New buildings, &c. (Vote No. 93) .. £ s. d. 201 2 8 1,329 18 1 431 17 1 3,203 11 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. Lees recoveries 5,166 9 5 623 14 0 4,542 15 5 Private Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland — Maintenance Less recoveries 1,090 14 6 126 6 7 964 7 11 St. Joseph's, WellingtonMaintenance Less recoveries 301 0 0 49 16 10 301 0 0 49 16 10 251 3 2 St. Mary's, NelsonMaintenance Less recoveries 1,012 14 9 405 2 10 1,012 14 9 405 2 10 607 11 11 St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin— Maintenance Less recoveries 80 18 6 40 16 4 80 18 6 40 16 4 40 2 2 InmateB maintained at other institutions Amount refunded to earnings aocount of ex-inmates 510 2 2 100 11 2 25,081 1 9 Homes for Defectives. 2,507 12 3 Purchase of property at Richmond, land and buildings, £2,500; travelling-expenses and fire insurance, £7 12s. 3d. (Vote No. 93, Public Works Fund) Institution for Deaf-mutes (Votes Nos. 58 and 62, Consolidated Fund; and 93, Public Works Fund). Director Assistants .. • ■ Separate instruction of (ten) pupils 450 0 0 1,185 0 0 203 10 0 Steward and Matron Servants Medical Offioer 200 0 0 565 3 0 20 0 0 1,838 10 0 Rent (£140, Vote No. 58) and repairs (£62 4s. lid., Vote No. 62) Travelling and conveyance, including transit of pupils General maintenance Pupils boarded out New buildings, additions, &c. (Vote No. 93) .. •• Compensation for roads closed and added to school-site (Vote No. 62) •• „ •• Instruction of one pupil at Auckland and two at Melbourne .. 785 3 0 202 4 11 131 5 2 1,273 1 1 259 3 11 1,590 1 11 205 13 0 120 0 0 Less recoveries 6,405 3 0 436 12 5 5,968 10 7