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line of the tunnel along the whole length thereof, and in the case of an ordinary prospecting license one hundred acres : Provided that in no case shall the land comprised in a tunnel prospecting license include any river or river-bed. (g.) A prospecting warrant or ordinary prospecting license shall 5 continue in force for one year, and shall not be renewed ; but if on the expiry thereof the holder so desires he may make a fresh application. (h.) A tunnel prospecting license shall continue in force for two years, and may be renewed from year to year on such con- 10 ditions as are prescribed. (i.) There shall be payable in respect of a prospecting warrant a fee of one pound, and in the case of a prospecting license a fee computed at the rate of one shilling for every acre of land to which the license relates, such fee being, however, in 15 no case less than one pound. (j.) Such fees shall, in the case of a prospecting warrant or an ordinary prospecting license, be payable in advance; and, in the case of a tunnel prospecting license, shall be payable annually in advance whilst the license or its renewal con- 20 tinues in force. (k.) The holder of a prospecting license shall, in such manner and subject to such conditions as are prescribed, have the right in priority to any other person of obtaining a license for any mining privilege in respect of the land to which his prospect- 25 ing license relates : Provided that, in the case of Native land, such right shall not be exercisable unless and until such land is acquired by His Majesty or becomes Native ceded land : Provided further that in every case such right shall be 30 subject to the provisions of section eighty-nme hereof. 74. The conditions subject to which any prospecting warrant or license is issued shall in every case be deemed to include due provisions for— (a.) The vigorous and continuous prosecution of prospecting opera- 35 tions to the satisfaction of the Governor or, as the case may be, the Warden by whom the warrant or license was issued, and the prompt reporting to him of all mineral discoveries ; and also (6.) Except in the case of unalienated Crown land, the filling-up 40 of all holes made whilst prospecting, and the prevention of damage to standing bush by fire, or to live-stock by dogs or otherwise, consequent on the prospecting operations ; and also (c.) In the case of private land or land held under lease in per- 45 petuity, the lodging of sufficient security to the satisfaction of the Governor or Warden as aforesaid for the fulfilment of the conditions referred to in the last preceding paragraph hereof. 75. With respect to every prospecting warrant or license, the fol- 50 lowing provisions shall apply :—

Conditions to which issue of prospecting warrant or license subject. 1898, No. 38, sec. 72

Compensation to be paid to owner for damage. Ibid, sec. 73