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Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration.


voting-paper used at the election, or give to any person any information on any of the matters herein mentioned. (aa.) If any person commits any breach of the last preceding paragraph he is liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, to be 5 recovered and applied as specified in subsection six of section S6VSflt&Sfl 116r601. 40 (1 ) As soon as practicable after the election of the members of the Board, other than the Chairman, the Clerk shall appoint a time and place for the elected members to meet for the purpose of electing a 10 Chairman, and shall give to each such member at least three days' written notice of the time and place so appointed. (2.) At such meeting the members shall, by a majority of the votes of the members present, elect some impartial person who is willling to act, not being one of their number, to be Chairman of the Board. 15 41 (1.) As soon as practicable after the election of the Chairman the Clerk shall transmit to the Registrar a list of the names of the respective persons elected as members and as Chairman of the Board, and the Registrar shall cause notice thereof to be gazetted. (2.) Such notice shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, and 20 the date of gazetting of such notice shall be deemed to be the date of the election of the Board. 42. Any member of the Board may resign, by letter to the Kegistrar, and the Registrar shall thereupon report the matter to the Clerk. '43. If the Chairman or any member of the Board— 25 {a.) Dies; or (b.) Resigns ; or . (c.) Becomes disqualified or incapable under section one hundred and four hereof ; or Id.) Is proved to be guilty of inciting any industrial union or em--30 ployer to commit any breach of an industrial agreement or award ; or (c ) Is absent during four consecutive sittings of the Board,— his office shall thereby become vacant, and the vacancy thereby caused shall be deemed to be a casual vacancy. 35 44 (1.) Every casual vacancy shall be filled by the same electing authority, and, as far as practicable, in the same manner and subject to the same provisions, as in the case of the vacating member (2.) Upon any casual vacancy being reported to the Clerk he shall take all such proceedings as may be necessary in order that the vacancy 40 may be duly supplied by a fresh election : , ~ , ~ Provided that the person elected to supply the vacancy shall hold office only for the residue of the term of the vacating member. 45 If any person being a member of one Board allows himself to be nominated for election as a member of another Board, his nomi--45 nation shall be void ; and if he is so elected his election shall be void. 46 In any case where the Registrar is satisfied that lor any reason the proper electing authority has failed or neglected to duly elect a Chairman or other member of the Board, or that his election is void the Governor may by notice in the Gazette appoint a fit person to be such 50 Chairman or other member, and for the purposes of this Act every Chairman or other member so appointed shall be deemed to be elected, and~shall hold office for the unexpired residue of the ordinary term of office.

Meeting for election of Chairman. 1900, No. 51, sec. 39

Notice of election of Board to be gazetted. Ibid, sec. 40 1901, No. 37, sec. 7

Resignation of member. 1900, No. 51, sec. 41 Casual vacanoies. Ibid, sec. 42

How casual vacancy to be filled. Ibid, sec 43

No member of a Board to be nominated for another Board. Ibid, sec. 44 Governor may appoint on failure to eleot Chairman or member. Ibid, sec. 45