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[Compiled by the Solicitor-General under the provisions of " The Statutes Compilation Act, 1902," pursuant to the resolution of both Houses of the General Assembly dated the sth day of November, 1904.




(5.) Conciliation and Arbitration. Districts and Clerks. 81. Constitution of industrial districts. 32. Alteration of boundaries. 33. Clerk of Awards for each district 34. May hold office in conjunction with other office. 35. Duties of Clerk. Boards of Conciliation. 36. District Boards to be constituted. 37. Number of members of Board, and election. 38. Term of office. Existing Boards continued in offioe. 39. Provisions for ordinary elections. 40. Meeting for election of Chairman. 41. Notice of election of Board to be gazetted. 42. Resignation of member. 43. Casual vacancies. 44. How casual vacancy to be rilled. 45. No member of a Board to be nominated for another Board. 46. Governor may appoint on failure to elect Chairman or member. 47. Quorum of Board. Absence of Chairman. 48. Mode of voting. 49. Acts of Board not to be questioned for informality. 50. Term of office of Board may be extended if engaged in hearing dispute. Special Boards of Conciliators. 51. Special Boards may be created in/ certain cases. 52. Preceding provisions applied subject to certain modifications. Functions and Procedure of Conciliation Boards. 53. Procedure for reference of industrial dispute to Board. 54. Powers and duties of Board for hearing dispute. 55. Report or recommendation of Board to be filed. 56. Procedure if parties aocept Board's recommendation. 57. Memorandum of settlement. 58. Memorandum of consent to accept Board's recommendat ujii. 59. Reference to Court if dispute not settled by Board. 60. Power to refer dispute direct to Court. 61. Board may state case. The Court of Arbitration. 62. Court of Arbitration. 63. Seal. 64. Constitution of Court. 65. Mode of appointment. Judge of Supreme Court to be President. 66. Procedure for appointment ;of members. 67. Term of office. Existing Court and members continued. 68. When acting member to act.

Title. 1. Short Title. (1.) Preliminary. Interpretation. 2. Interpretation. Administration. 3. Minister for Labour to administer Act. i. Secretary for Labour to be Registrar. Registrar may state case. Deputy Registrar. (2.) Registration. Industrial Unions. 5. What societies may be registered. Mode of application and terms of rules. 6. Registration of society. 7. Incorporation of society. 8. Special provisions as to registering tradeunions. 9. Special provisions as to registering societies of employers. Registration of foreign company represented by agent. 10. Societies not to be registered under similar names. 11. Provision to prevent multiplicity of unions. 12. Effect of registration. 13. Amendment of rules. Printed copies to be supplied. 14. Registered office and branch office of industrial union. 15. Members may be sued for fees or dues. 16. Power to purchase or lease land. 17. Industrial unions to send half-yearly list of members and officers to Registrar. Pine. 18. Industrial union may sue in registered name. Service of notices. 19. Mode of executing deeds and instruments. 20. Procedure for cancellation of registration. 21. Cancellation of registration of defunct union. Industrial Associations. 22. Councils representing unions may be registered . 23. Application of prior provisions. (3.) Industrial Disputes in Related Trades. 24. Industrial disputes in related trades. (4.) Industrial Agreements. 25. Parties to industrial agreements defined. Term and form of agreement. Date of agreement. Industrial agreement to continue in force till superseded. 26. Duplicate to be filed. 27. Parties to agreement may be added. 28. On whom agreement binding. 29. Agreements may be varied, renewed, cancelled. 30. Enforcement of agreements.

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