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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Act. MEMOEANDUM.

Pursuant to section 2 of "The Statutes Compilation Act Amendment Act, 1903," the SolicitorGeneral submits the following memorandum directing attention to the consequential and other alterations in, additions to, and omissions from the text of the Acts compiled, with a statement where necessary of the reasons therefor: — " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1900," No. 51 : — Section 1 : A new subsection referring to the Acts compiled is inserted. Section 2: "Trade-union" and "worker" are denned (from section 2 of the Act of 1901), and a definition of "compiled Acts" is inserted. Section 5: In this section, and generally throughout the Acts compiled, " New Zealand " is substituted for "the colony," "paragraph" for "subsection" where necessary, and the numbering and notation of the paragraphs, &c, are altered to accord with the existing practice. Section 9 : In subsection (3) " incorporated " is omitted as unnecessary. Section "17: In this section, and generally throughout the Acts compiled, "fine" is substituted for " penalty," to accord with the existing practice. Section 24 : References to the principal Act are altered to references to the compilation. In subsection (4) " pursuant " is substituted for " subject." Sections 28, 29, 31, and generally throughout the Acts compiled: References to the repealed Acts are altered to references to the Acts compiled or to the compilation, as the case requires. Section 40: Effect is given to section 7 of the Act of 1901. Sections 42 and 67: "Disqualified or incapable" is substituted for "disqualified from acting," so as to accord with section 97. Section 50 : This section is altered to give effect to section 6 of the Act of 1901. Section 52: Effect is given to section 8 of the Act of 1901, and "counsel" is omitted as being unnecessary. In subsections (3) and (6) references to "trade-unions " are inserted so as to accord with alterations made in other sections by the Act of 1901. Section 59: "In this Act" is substituted for "hereinafter." Section 63 : Effect is given to section 3 of the Emergency Act of 1903 (No. 10), relating to acting-members of the Court. Sections 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68 : A reference to the acting-member is inserted in each of these sections. Section 75: " Barrister " is substituted for " counsel," to accord with section 52. Section 83: "Barristers, solicitors, or agents" is substituted for "agents, solicitors, or counsel." Section 86: " Trade-union " is inserted in subsection (1), (a), and also in subsection (3), to give effect to section 1.0 of the Act of 1901. In the proviso to subsection (1) " pursuant " is substituted for. "subject." Paragraphs 4to 7 are inserted (with verbal alterations) to give effect to section 13 of the Act of 1901. Section 87: In subsection (2) "trade-union" is inserted to give effect to section 14 of the Act of 1901 ; " workers " is substituted for " employes " in the second proviso; and a third proviso is inserted to give effect to section 4 of the Act of 1903. i—A. 5.