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Laid before both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency the Governor.

The Under-Secretart for Lands to the Hon. the Minister op Lands. Sir,-- Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 3rd zVugust, 1905. I have the honour to transmit herewith a synopsis of the annual reports of Domain Boards for the year ended the 31st December, 1904, which have been furnished in accordance with section 7 of " The Domain Boards Act, 1904." Since the passing of the Act mentioned considerably increased interest in the administration of the public domains has been manifested by Chairmen, members, and Secretaries, and it is apparent that there is a general desire to comply not only with the letter but also with the spirit of the law relating to these important reserves, which are held for the benefit of the public at large. In dealing with the reports it was discovered that many Boards were under the impression that they had power to lease the lands under their control without the consent of the Governor, and as a result of this misapprehension a number of leases are in existence which are invalid, through not having been issued by the Crown. However, as most of them are for short terms only, they may be allowed to expire by effluxion of time. A valid lease can be insisted on in any case where it is considered necessary. A map of each Island, showing the locality of the public domains, is attached. The total number of domains is 378, and reports regarding 344 have been received. Appended you will find a list of those for which no report has come to hand. Inquiries are being made to ascertain why the law is not being complied with in respect to these lands. I have, &c, Wμ. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary for Crown Lands. The Honourable Minister of Lands, Wellington.

Ahaura Domain, Westland Land District. Sections Nos. 12, Block 1., Ahaura Survey District, and 30, Block XIII., Mawheraiti Survey District. Area, 100 acres. Improvements now on domain : Buildings, fences, and an area levelled and grassed. Used for races, and training trotting horses, also for picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year:Orna-mental-tree planting. Akaroa Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserves Nos. 88 and 1724, Akaroa Survey District, and Section No. 45, Town of Akaroa. Area, 10 acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Pavilion erected, summer-house repaired and roofed with iron, and trees thinned where necessary. Improvements now on domain : Substantial fences, macrocarpa hedge, summer-house, pavilion, two bridges, five gates, large portion planted with exotic trees, fountain, and a number of garden-seats. Used for lawn-tennis, picnics, and general recreation. A caretaker is employed. Albert Town Domain, Otago Land District. Section No. 5, Block IV., Lower Wanaka Survey District. Area, 81 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin. No work has been undertaken. Alexandra Domain, Otago Land District. Sections Nos. 1 to 23, Block XL, and 1 to 22, Block XII., Town of Alexandra. Area 10 acres 2 roods 5 perches. Work done during year : 150 trees planted. Improvements now on domain : Wire and netting fences, belt of poplar trees, and two small plantations. Used for sports, picnics, and general recreation. No revenue accrues from the domain. The improvements are done by voluntary subscription. I—C. 10.

I—C. 10.