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safety against the probability of accident by runaway trucks on the dip heading during haulage operations on the day shift, driving in the dip. ! face will be strictly .'confined ; o a six-hour shift,' ! afternoon and night in each twenty-four hours. Mokihinui Colliery. —The limited operations effected by this co-operative company during the year were confined to the rise section of the property adjoining the Seddonville State Colliery, but the quality and thickness of the coal-seam having shown no marked improvement the party ultimately abandoned further operations, withdrawing incline ropes and trucks from the mine, and finally cleared out, prior to absolute starvation. With the exception of two small falls of roof where the timber had broken down, the mine was left in fair condition. Recently the mine was opened by a new party, who are simply working the old faces. Timbering and ventilation are made special features, and reports kept to date. The old mine, which has been on fire for some time, presents no change of moment. Seddonville Colliery (New Zealand State Coal-mines, James Bishop, manager).—Operations have been continuous during the year and the output raised shows a gross tonnage of 33,808 tons. Referring to the developments completed, the chief work effected has'jbeen the extension of the main haulage tunne', now holed with Grant's face on the north bank of the Chasm Creek. This extension gives the haulage road a total length of 145-5 chains, of which 38-5 chains is rock-driven, while 16 chains is in coal. In this coal-bearing area, regular working has been recently opened from both s ; des of the tunnel, and, so far as the coal-seam has been exploited in the ordinary course of operations, quality and hardness are much superior to anything obtained in the district first opened, but if reliable data may be taken from the apparently limited and faulty character of the coalfield, it would be fair to anticipate that the probable quantity of hard coal obtainable from the present workings is likely to fall short of expectations. Therefore, should further development be considered advisable to prolong the life of the mine under the conditions existing, active prospecting must be vigorously pushed to meet future demands, and it is pleasing to note that on a recent visit to the colliery the management were taking active measures to ascertain the extent and quality of the coal-seam on the south side of Chasm Creek, where they propose to carry out an efficient system of exploring drives in the various ouctrops. Meanwhile the general development effected, and the extent of working opened, are sufficient to provide a daily output of 600 tons, providing the marketable value of the coal was suitable for general purposes, but under existing requirements, the trade demands do not exceed 250 tons per day The general equipment has been maintained in good working-condition, and in view of utilising a portion of the small coal for the manufacture of coke, experiments have been carried out, giving results which are considered to be quite satisfactory. The ventilation and other provisions of the Coal-mines Act are strictly en forced. There have been no serious accidents during the year, and seven inspections were made. Timbering is systematically effected throughout the workings as the roof is chiefly an overburden of friable coal. Millerton Colliery (owners, Westport Coal Company (Limited); George Fletcher, mining-manager). — The mining operations continue to be worked double shift, but the restricted demands on the colliery (as affected by fluctuations of trade) have tended to decrease the output 29,201 tons, compared with the previous year. Efficiency in working-conditions and general equipment are well and consistently maintained. Ea3t Dip section : Shortly after suspension of operations, indications of heating were threatened under large falls of coal in the upper levels, but the prompt measures adopted to remove the loose coal, and restore large circulating air-currents speedily averted the probability of future danger. Brick stoppings are exclusively used. Mine Creek section : This section has supplied the gross tonnage raised from this colliery since operations were suspended in the east dip. The ordinary and progressive developments continue in active progress. In extending the main heading southward for a total distance of 38 chains in direct line of haulage road, fault-line was met and dealt with without apparent difficulty, and a coal-seam of excellent quality and hardness exposed. On account'of its heating properties and suitability for naval purposes, the coal was specially recommended by the officer supervising coal-shipments from Westport on behalf of the British Admiralty. Other conditions of the working - faces are practically unchanged. The east crosscut reached the Ngakawau boundary at 32 chains from the main terminal, and the bords branching southward are driven from this point. It may be here stated that, apart from any special conditions mentioned in the lease, provision is made to leave a chain barrier of solid coal along the boundary-line, care being taken to drive the face accordingly, thus averting likelihood of any encroachment. West section winning heading has been extended a total driven distance of 23 chains, the face showing an unbroken line of good coal. In concluding my remarks on the general aspect of this section of the property, it may be stated that the general contour of this extensive and unbroken face affords most satisfactory promise of a valuable and profitable coalfield. Faulting, practically speaking, is not extensive when the dimensions of the field are considered. New works : In my report of last year, mention was made that permanent concrete foundations were under construction on the low level, in order to admit of the removal of the hydraulic-brake installation then situate at the Mine Creek terminal. This work, now substantially completed and operative, has met anticipations, and the to control the motion of the rope on the surging-drum is more evenly applied. New tunnel: In connection with the active operations to win and exhaust the western section of the leasehold, the coal-seam was tapped by the rock crosscut —securely timbered to 11 ft. by 7 ft. in the clear —at a distance of 18 chains, driven in continuation of the surface tramline which was set off to junction with the main haulage at the Big-brake terminal. The coal-seam so far proved affords promise of favourable quality and thickness, and a holing effected with the original working provides efficient ventilation under direct control of the fan. To meet the additional requirements of the new tunnel district, the power-station situate at the lower mine mouth has been spaciously