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The Chelmsford Gold-mining Company (Limited) : This company are engaged in extending the upper levels on the reef, which, when first discovered, gave very good results. It is expected that a payable block of ground will be available. The Coronation Gold-mining Company (Limited) : This company's mine is on freehold property, Wharekawa Blocks, held by license issued under section 56 of " The Mining Act, 1898." A five-stamp battery has been erected and crushing is to be commenced soon. The ore is of a peculiar nature, but is said to be payable. The Golden Belt Gold-mining Company (Limited) : The low level has been extended, and is now in r 1,000 ft. It is expected that another 300 ft. will bring the drive under that point where good ore was met in the Road Level. It is intended to put up a rise from the end of the level which will serve as a pass to send down the quartz, and also ventilate the mine. The quartz will be conveyed to the mill over an aerial tramway. A battery of forty stamps is being erected. It is confidently hoped that this mine will soon become a payable one. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. R. S. Bush, Warden.

Mr. Warden Roberts, Tauranga, to the Under-Secretary for Mines, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Tauranga, 20th March, 1905. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your memorandum of the 27th January last, asking me to furnish you with a general report of the general condition of the mining industry in my district for the year ending the 31st December, 1904, and in reply thereto, have to inform you that during the past year mining operations totally ceased in the Tauranga portion of the Hauraki Mining District owing to lack of capital to carry out development-work. I return herewith the forms enclosed in your memorandum filled up as requested. I have, &c, J. M. Roberts, Warden, Tauranga portion of the Hauraki Mining District. The Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington.

Mr. Warden Smith, Blenheim, to the Under-Secretary for Mines, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Blenheim, 15th April, 1905. There is practically nothing of any importance to report concerning mining matters in any portion of the Marlborough Mining District for the year ending the 31st December last. Quartz-mining was represented solely by the operations of the Wairau Valley Gold-mining Company at Top Valley. This company, which has taken the place of the Jubilee Company, was engaged in extending the low-level tunnel, for which purpose a contract to drive 300 ft. was let. The contract had not been completed when the year closed. It was estimated that a distance of 1,300 ft. would have to be driven before the lode would be reached. Dredging was entirely at a standstill. Nothing was done towards replacing the Alpine dredge — whose misfortune was referred to in my last report —on the claim. Disaster again overtook the Golden Point dredge at Wakamarina, which sank while being shifted down the claim. The dredge has been dismantled and all the machinery removed from the claim alluvial mining is not conducted on a scale of any magnitude, and calls for no comment. Reference having been made in my last report to the formation of a company for the purpose of manufacturing cement near Picton, I might mention that the erection of machinery and buildings for the purpose was in a very forward state at the close of the period under review, and that operations will shortly be commenced. Statistical returns are forwarded herewith. I have, &c. The Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. T. Scott Smith, Warden.

Mr. Warden Kenny, Nelson, to the Under-Secretary for Mines, Wellington Sir,— Warden's Office, Nelson, 9th May, 1905. I have the honour to forward herewith statistical returns for the year ending the 31st December, 1904, together with a general report upon the mining districts under my administration. The Slate River Sluicing Company (Limited). —Since the formation of this company in July, 1900, no less than £16,581 has been spent in plant, wages, working-developments, &c, and, during the period to which this report more particularly relates, some thousands of pounds have been spent in augmenting the storage of water, and extending the low-level-tunnel tail-race. Sluicing operations have been greatly hindered during several months of the year owing to shortage water. 503 oz. 5 dwt. 18 gr. were won for the twelve months ending the 31st December, 1904 £"' The Slate River Gold-dredging Company (Limited).— This is the only dredge now carrying on active operations in this district, and. it is now in work upon a claim held by the company in the bed of the Aorere River. The working of the dredge was considerably hampered in the early part of the year by floods. For the period from the Ist May, 1904, to the 16th March, 1905, gold to the value of £2,670, or an average of fifty-nine pounds'' worth of gold per week, was recovered. The ground over which this dredge has been working is ground that has been worked before by private individuals and parties, chiefly by that method commonly known as " blind stabbing," and it is confidently expected that when the dredge works her way on to fresh ground, highly satisfactory results will be obtained.