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Fordham and Gay's Hydraulic Sluicing Claim, Cambrian's. —This party continue to work their claim on a small scale, with apparently satisfactory results. Gannon's Alluvial Sluicing Claim, Vinegar Flat, Cambrian's. —This claim of 16 acres is the property of the Bank of New South Wales, and is worked by Mathew Gannon. Matakanui. Undaunted Gold-mining Company, Matakanui (T. C. Donnelly, Manager). —Area of claim, 114 acres. The mode of working this claim is by hydraulic sluicing and elevating. The company has had a successful year. Nine men are employed. Tinker's Gold-mining Company, Tinker's (J. Naylor, Manager). —The operations of this company have also been attended with success during the year. Six men are employed in the claim, which is worked by hydraulic sluicing and elevating. Matakanui Gold-mining Company (H. Norman, Manager). —Area of claim, 45 acres. Good results have been obtained from this claim during the year. Seven men are employed. J. Symes and Sons' Sluicing Claim, Matakanui. —The owners still continue sluicing operations on the flat below the Matakanui Township. Drybread Diggings. As all suitable water-supplies are concentrated on Tinker's Goldfield, these diggings are still abandoned to a few fossickers. Devonshire Diggings. As at Drybread, these diggings are almost deserted by miners. Ophir. There is still very little mining in this district, although there are large areas of auriferous ground awaiting suitable water-supply. Some ground has recently been taken up in the district for dredging purposes. Springvale. Springvale Sluicing Claim, near Alexandra South (J. Gartley, Manager).—Sluicing operations on a small scale are still being carried on at Springvale. Dredging. —The Olrig dredge continued to work steadily during the year, and to yield satisfactory results. The Chatto Creek dredge has been inactive throughout the year. Alexandra South. Alexandra Bonanza Gold Dredging and Sluicing Company, Galloway Flat (J. Matthews, Manager).— Ground-sluicing has been carried on during the greater part of the year, but the area worked did not yield large results. From 16 to 18 heads of water are delivered to claim under pressure of 80 ft. vertical, the ground averaging 20 ft. in depth. Tucker Hill Sluicing Claim, Alexandra South (Rivers and Gartley, Owners). —This claim on Tucker Hill has been worked out, and the water-race cut round to Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Sluicing Claim, Alexandra South (James Rivers, Owner; George Campbell, Manager). —Area of claim, 10 acres. This ground-sluicing claim is worked with the water and mining plant trans ferred from Tucker Hill. Six men are employed. Manorburn Gold-mining Syndicate, Galloway Station. —A large area of auriferous terrace ground is at present held by this syndicate. Two men are engaged prospecting the area by shaft-sinking and by driving. Though not at present available, water under suitable pressure could be brought to command this ground. Golden Bend Gold-mining Company, near Alexandra South. —Shaft-sinking operations on this claim were seriously interfered with by floods in the Manuherikia River, which caused a stoppage. Work has been resumed, and the claim is now in full working-order. Several parties are engaged ground-sluicing around Blackman's, Conroy's, and other gullies at the foot of the Obelisk Range. Dredging. —Alexandra may be considered the centre of river-dredging in Otago. There are six Jredges in active operation on the Clutha River, in the gorge below Alexandra Bridge, and eighteen dredges are at work on the river and in the banks above the bridge. The majority of these dredges are on the dividend-paying list. As in the Miller's Flat district, it is noticeable here that the dredges of smaller type are being replaced by larger and more efficient machines, with which it is possible to rework ground already turned over and extract therefrom profitable returns. The electrical installation in connection with the Earnscleugh No. 3 has proved a success, and it is now proposed to equip a second dredge with this power at an early date. There are also two privately owned dredges at work on the Manuherikia River. Clyde. Individual mining is practically a thing of the past in this district. About three men are engaged in alluvial mining. The Shepherd's Flat dredge is at work on the Fraser River. Dredging. —There were five dredges on the Clutha River near Clyde working when the river was favourable. A further trial will be given to that stretch of the river above the Clyde Bridge, which so far has not justified the amount of money expended in placing dredges thereon.