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Kelso. McKenzie and Party's Hydraulic Sluicing Claim, Lower Pomahaka. —Area of claim, 5 acres. The ground is shallow and easily treated. Three men are employed. The only other form of mining in this district is dredging. The Ardmore dredge, a privately owned concern, is working at Scrubby Flat, Greenvale, on freehold land. A claim has been taken up below Kelso, on the Pomahaka River, to which a dredge is under course of removal. The Greenvale dredge lies sunk in the Pomahaka River. Roxburgh. Hercules Sluicing Claim. —This claim and plant are still idle, but the scheme to utilise the waterpower on a large scale to generate electricity and also to work Anderson's Flat by hydraulic sluicing and elevating is still being promoted. The claim is at present held under protection. Roxburgh Amalgamated Mining and Sluicing Company (Limited) (J. H. Waigth, Manager). — The extensive mining operations in this claim are conducted on the same lines as in the past with due regard to the efficient working of the mine and to the safety of the men employed. A good body of goldbearing wash, evidently old river-bed, has been opened out in the present working-paddocks, and this insures profitable operations being carried on for some time. For particulars of accident whereby George Taylor and John McNab were accidentally killed see list of accidents appended. Eighteen men are employed in connection with the claim and water-races. The manager has invented a simple appliance for regulating the feed to the elevator. A vertical box with central division and sides 6 in. apart are bolted up and inserted alongside the lift so that stones of more than 6 in. diameter are kept back from the buried elevator-throat when opening up a paddock. Ladysmith Gold-dredging Company (Limited) (W. Donnelly, Manager). —Area of claim, 60 acres. This company's claim is still being worked by hydraulic sluicing and elevating. The water-supply has been improved and the pressure increased, thus enabling a larger amount of material than formerly to be turned over. The sluicing plant is operating on a highly payable seam of wash, and the prospects before the company are bright. Eight men are employed. Commissioners Flat Sluicing Claim (Coulter and party ; R. George, Manager).—With the increased water-supply a greater amount of material is treated. The heavy overlying burden is swept off into the river, and the lower material is elevated and passed over boxes fitted with gold-saving appliances. Four men are employed. Golden Gate Sluicing Claim (Manuel Bros.). —This claim is worked on a small scale by hydraulic sluicing and elevating. Three men are employed. Pleasant Valley Gold-mining Company, above Coal Creek Flat. —Some improvements were effected to the water-supply and to the line of pressure-pipes, and operations were resumed during the year. The mine has recently changed ownership again, the purchaser being Mr. A. McPherson, of Coal Creek. The new proprietor intends to still further improve the condition of the plant, and thus give the claim a thorough trial. Butterfly Sluicing Claim, Teviot (Weatherall Bros.). —Two men find employment in this groundsluicing claim. There are several miners in this district working along the banks of the Clutha River. Dredging. —There are six dredges in this district in active operation on the Clutha River when the river is favourable for dredging, three of which are privately owned. Bald Hill Flat. Carroll and Lynch's Sluicing Claim. —The owners of this claim continue to work on the usual lines and to obtain payable results during the sluicing season. Mitchell's Sluicing Claim. —This ground-sluicing claim affords employment for one man. J. Ewing and J. Dowdall's Hydraulic Sluicing Claim (W. McNeish, Manager).—Operations during the sluicing season continue to yield satisfactory results to the owners. Last Chance Hydraulic Sluicing and Elevating Company (J. McNeish, Manager).—Area of claim, 96 acres. Ten men are generally employed in this claim, in which operations are being conducted on the usual lines, with payable results. Stringer and Miller, Fourteen-mile Beach. —-These two men are engaged stripping on the river beaches. Dredging. —There were three dredges on the Clutha River in the gorge below Bald Hill Flat. As a very slight rise in the river prevents successful operations, the past season has not been favourable for continuous work. Naseby. Mining-work in this district continues much the same as last year. It is to be noted that the easierworked ground is becoming exhausted, and larger volumes of water are becoming concentrated upon the deeper class of ground, by which means the average number of men employed is maintained. Work this year has been somewhat irregular, owing to the dryness of the season. There are considerable areas of auriferous ground in the district outside present mining operations, which may be expected to be utilised as the water on present workings becomes liberated. Dredging. —Roberts's Naumai dredge, Upper Kyeburn, which is now the only one in this district, has been idle during the latter part of the year. Hamilton's. Perseverance Sluicing Claim. —HenrylHorn and Guy Hooper continue to work this claim. Three men are employed. Messrs. Roberts' Bros. have a sluicing claim in this district. A few men are employed on this field sluicing with the small supply of water available.

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