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directors for capital to pay expenses. The sum of £920 was cabled from London. I have to thank the directors for the prompt manner in which the money was sent every month This is the first time that I have required assistance from Home in connection with the Premier Mine, and I trust that we shall soon again strike payable stone, and be able to work the mine at a profit. The following are the amounts of money expended on the principal workings in the mine : Mining, £346 2s. 9d. ; minemaintenance, £77 17s. ; milling, £169 15s. 9d. ; trucking and hauling, £246 os. 9d. ; development, £324 19s. 6d. ; prospecting, £149 os. lid. Owing to the mine being in an out-of-the-way place, timber and other materials for keeping the mine in repair and for general use are very expensive." Indian Glenrock (Wynaad) Gold-mining Company (William Patton, Mine-manager, Macetown). — 29/11/04 : On this date there were no men employed in the Tipperary Mine, but Mr. Patton informed me that prospecting and developing operations had been carried on until it was deemed advisable to discontinue and lay before the company a scheme whereby the mine could be properly developed. This scheme, which includes the installation of suitable winding and pumping machinery, was being considered by the London board of directors. New Zealand Consolidated Gold-mines (Limited), Macetown (L. 0. Beal, juu., Legal Manager, Dunedin). —2)/11/04 : This proprietary was formed to purchase from Mr. W. J. Farrell all his mining rights, comprised in two special claims of 156 acres 2 roods 25 perches, in the Macetown District. Authority was duly received by the legal manager to proceed with the work of opening up and developing tie property. On the date of inspection five men were employed. A drive had been put in 200 ft. to the reef and well timbered. Latest information is to the effect that owing to some delay in completion of the transfer of the property operations at the mine have been suspended in the meantime. Richard Balch's Quartz Claim, Macetown. —Mr. Balch has been prospecting a reef in Caledonian Gully, half a mile east of the Tipperary Mine. A level was driven 25 ft. to cut the reef which, at this poi it, proved to be 2 ft. in width, and to have an assay value of 2 oz. 2 dwt. to the ton. A crushing of 25 tons resulted in a yield of 52 oz. of retorted gold. Further development of the property is being proceeded with. Anderson, Hannah, and Party, Macetown. —This party have-taken up an area on the same line of reef and adjoining Balch's area. The reef is being opened up, and prospects are said to be encouraging. Beale and party and several other prospectors are prospecting a line of reef parallel to that on which Biloh is working. Balch's discovery has thus given an impetus to prospecting for payable reefs in the district. Patrick Barron's Quartz-mine, Arrow River. —(Area, 4 acres). —Mr. Barron has gone to considerable trouble to prospect this quartz reef, but he is much hampered by the want of a good road and the general inaccessibility of the mine, which is situated at a considerable elevation above the Arrow River. Cromwell. Cromwell Mine Syndicate's Quartz-mine, Bendigo (W. T. Talboys and D. B. Waters, Trustees). — This syndicate has secured the property of the Cromwell Proprietary Gold-mining Company (Limited). Since the purchase was completed no progressive works have been undertaken with regard to prospecting or developing the mine. The tributing party, Edwards and Pascoe, have crushed several parcels of good stone taken from different places on the lease. This tribute agreement has now expired, and all mining operations are at a standstill at present. Bendigo Tailings Syndicate, Bendigo. —This syndicate having gone into liquidation the cyanide plant has been idle throughout the year. Alta Mine, Bendigo. —A considerable amount of prospecting was done over this lease during the year by one man. This work was discontinued towards the end of the year, and the mine closed down. f■ -| A party of prospectors have been prospecting a line of reef for some time at the head of Boundary Creek, Leaning Rock Range. It is too early yet to say what success has attended their efforts. Bannockburn. Go-By Quartz-mine, Carrick Range (J. B. Holliday, owner). —The owner has been prospecting this property for the past seven years, and has completed a considerable amount of work upon it. Latest information from the mine is to the effect that fair stone has been opened out, and that it is the intention of the owner to proceed at once to develop the mine and to erect the necessary crushing plant. Messrs. Lawrence Bros., Carrick Ranges. — About 100 tons of quartz has been crushed in the Star of the East battery by Messrs. Lawrence Bros. There have been no further developments in quartz-mining on the Carrick Ranges. Operations are still suspended pending a satisfactory method being discovered of treating the refractory ore. Nevis. A party of prospectors were engaged during the summer months prospecting an extensive area of country at the Upper Nevis. I understand that they failed to locate any payable reefs. Bald Hill Flat. Whites Reef, Bald Hill Flat (R. P. Symes, owner.) —Mr. Symes still continues to prospect this property, in which he has great confidence. Two men are employed driving a level and rising at intervals to prospect the ground overhead, and also to secure ventilation. Small quartz leaders are met with during the progress of the work. The quartz is stacked and then crushed in a five-head stamperbattery.