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Grey Valley. Blackwater. —Mining conditions are practically unchanged in this district. Blackwater dredge has obtained fair returns, while the Greymouth Lagoons dredge changed ownership, the purchasers being an Ikamataa syndicate Flaherty's subsidised tunnel has been driven the authorised distance, with unfavourable results. Alluvial mining is confined to about thirty Europeans and an equal number of Chinese. Craighead's subsidised tunnel (four men) has proved a profitable concern. Ahaura. —This practically exhausted district continues to find employment for about twenty Europeans and ten Chinese. The number of Chinese has gradually diminished. Red Jack's and Kangaroo Creeks furnish employment to about an equal number with the Ahaura — viz., twenty Europeans and ten Chinese. Moonlight. —The fame of this once-noted mining district has dwindled down ; only about ten parties of two men each are now engaged in the locality. Shrives and party have opened fresh ground in the locality of the Montgomery Terrace claim, but the water-supply is wholly dependent on the rainfall. Republic Sluicing Company. —The various works in connection with the water-races and plant are in good order, and the returns have shown a decided improvement during the year. Montgomery Terrace. —Operations have been considerably affected by heavy landslips along the line of the water-race, and these have tended to retard profitable employment. The steep and broken hillside along the Blackball Creek is a constant source of trouble, otherwise the ground is considered of fair value. Hillier and party (four men), and Hyndman (four men), who draw their water-supplies from the Republic subsidised water-race are making a living wage. The sluicing-country continues to keep very rough, large boulders being considerably in evidence. No Town. —Since dredging was commenced in this locality, alluvial mining has been confined to about ten Europeans and seven Chinese. Nelson Creek. —ln this old alluvial district mining is now almost confined to the dredging industry. Kumara. According to the Assistant Inspector's reports, the sludge-channels, deep levels, dams, and other operative works have been duly inspected and found in good working-order, also the general equipment, pipe-lines, &c, were found in a satisfactory state of efficiency. Kelly's Terrace Drainage-tunnel. —During the year extensive repairs have been effected from the incline shaft and past the Nos. 1 and 2 vertical shafts, including general repairs to the shafts and ladderways. The works recommended are now completed, and the channel is in an efficient state of repair. There are no sluicing parties at present taking advantage of this drainage-channel. Wheel of Fortune Hydraulic Sluicing Company (Thomas Hahon, Manager). —This new syndicate (local) having purchased the plant and mining privileges in connection with the property, are working continuously with fifteen men, but shortage of water-supplies is a serious drawback. Electric light is suitably installed over the whole works and plant, and other conditions about the claim are kept in an efficient state. Beroz and Mills (five men) : This subsidised party having completed their tunnel, opened out on a line of wash which at first only gave poor results, but soon improved, and now yields very profitable returns. The ground is well timbered, and rising is commenced to provide ventilation. Johansen and Case are blocking out, but the results are not encouraging. Holtz and party (two men) are also blocking out, with unfavourable results. Ryan and Son (two men) are continuing to block out the wash, with unfavourable results. Warne and party (two men) have completed repairs to their tunnel, and are now driving ahead. Callaghan's District. —Manzoni and party (four men), Hunt and party (three men), Darby and Hunt (two men), Rochitti and party (two men), Bassi and party (two men), Burnerson and party (two men) : Manzoni and Hunt are supplied with night water from the Government water-races ; the others are entirely dependent on the rainfall for water to work their claims. Minerals Gold-mining Company. —The various works effected have been chiefly confined to development, and include the sinking of a main shaft (10 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft., divided into three compartments), the renewal of six miles of water-race to carry 4 heads of water, and the erection of a water-balance for winding purposes. A prospecting-tunnel was driven in view of picking up a lead of washdirt which does not exceed 1 ft. 6 in. in thickness, but according to the pan prospects it is considered payable. The works and plant are in good order, and mining is proceeding satisfactorily. Hokitika. Humphrey's Gully (Mr. Greenbank, Manager). —Sluicing operations continue to be carried out on a large scale by a party of tributers, while the earnings won give satisfactory promise to both parties concerned. Developments have not been further extended during the year. Water-races and all working plant are efficiently maintained. Craig's Freehold.— Operations are still continued on tribute by three separate responsible parties, whose term expired on the 31st October last. Irvine and party of six men having nearly exhausted their section will have a considerable amount of prospecting to undertake should fresh arrangements