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loss of the services of our zealous Secretary, Mr. W. Thomas, who, having removed to another district, has resigned office. We have pleasure in heartily congratulating our Director, Mr. D. V. Allen, upon having passed the degree of Bachelor of Science at the New Zealand University Examination held in November last. And likewise Mr. Colin Fraser, an old student of this institution, upon having attained the distinction of being the first Coromandel-born Doctor of Science, as the result of a thesis upon the geology of Waihi, written by him. Report op the Director, Mr. D. V. Allen, B.Sc. In reviewing the past year's work, it affords me pleasure in stating that the'school has again passed through a fairly successful year; and considering the depressed state of local mining, the results may be taken as satisfactory. The school opened on the 3rd February, the attendance being well maintained throughout the year, as may be seen by the following figures : —First term—number of students 20, class-attendance 34 ; second term—number of students 19, class-attendance 34 ; third term—number of students 18, class-attendance 32. The subject of electricity, which was introduced into the syllabus for the first time, attracted several students. Instruction was also given in the following subjects : viz., mathematics, mining, &c, land and mine surveying, theoretical chemistry, practical chemistry, and assaying (senior and junior). The usual practical work in the field was carried out in connection with the surveying class, while in the laboratory considerable experimental work was done. The annual Government examinations for schools of mines took place in December last, when eleven of our students presented themselves, obtaining four first-class, eight second-class, and three third-class certificates. Two students were successful in passing last year's examination for first-class mine-managers. For the recent examinations, held in January, one student sat for first-class minemanager, and one for battery-superintendent. The electric light has been installed in the school buildings, the dynamo having an output of 440 watts when running at 2,300 revolutions per minute. The motive power is provided by al2 in. Pelton wheel, with a § in. nozzle, working under a water-pressure of 85 lb. per square inch. A splendid binocular microscope, replete with all modern accessories, has been obtained, but owing to the fact of our having to send to England for a polarising prism, little headway was made with petrological work. The prospects" 1 for the present year are assuring, twenty-one students having already enrolled. Battery. During the year thirty-one parcels of ore were crushed and treated at the battery. These represented 25| tons of general ore, 16 cwt. of slags, &c, and 713 lb. of picked stone, the total yield of bullion being 550 oz. 12 dwt., valued approximately at £1,650. It is our intention to have both the engine and the single stamper thoroughly overhauled at the first opportunity. A detailed scheme to work the battery by water-power was submitted to the Minister of Mines for consideration, but intimation was received that the cost of the project was too great to be entertained at the present time. WAIHI SCHOOL OF MINES. Mr. Percy Morgan, M.A., Director, reports as follows : — I have the honour of submitting the following report on the Waihi School of Mines for the twelve months ending the 31st December, 1904 : — During 1904 the attendance at the school, though below the record one of 1903, was very satisfactory, the average number of registered students being fifty-eight. The average attendance in 1903 was sixty-eight, in 1902 it was fifty-one, and in 1901 forty-seven. A feature which was very noticeable both last year and in former years was the fluctuating personnel of the students. During each term a number dropped out, and fresh pupils took their places, so that somewhere between eighty and ninety individuals joined the classes at some time or other during the year. A majority of our students, however, attended steadily throughout the three terms, and, as might be expected, nearly all made excellent progress in their studies. The following table shows the subjects taught, and the attendance for each term in the various classes:—

Table of Attendances for the Year 1904.

Name of Subject. First Term. Second Term. Third Term. Average. Junior mining Senior mining Mathematics Junior theoretical surveying ... Senior theoretical surveying ... Practical surveying ... General and mining geology ... Theoretical chemistry Practical chemistry ... Wet and dry assaying Metallurgy... ... ... '... Drawing Electricity ... 7 5 26 9 6 13 9 21 20 21 12 7 28 1 6 19 G 5 9 4 13 18 23 11 7 19 1 5 11 5 5 9 8 13 14 21 7 9 13 3 5 19 7 5 10 5 16 17 22 10 8 20 Totals 184 141 116 147 Individual registered students ... 61 58 54 58