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No. 79. SIE; __ Niue, 11th October, 1904. I have the honour to forward to you herewith a statement of the Niue Island Revenue Account for the quarter ended 30th September ultimo. The total receipts from all sources, and including the balance from the previous quarter, amount to £971 Bs. 5d., and the disbursements to £213 10s. There was a cash balance here at the end of the period of £656 13s. 5d., and £101 ss. was remitted to Niue Island Account, Bank of New Zealand. . _ I enclose a paper showing the state of the Niue Island Current Account at the Bank ot Mew Zealand This, of course, is approximate, as Ido not know what cheques (if any) have been drawn on this account by the Collector of His Majesty's Customs, Auckland, but, excluding this, it should be very nearly correct. ... . Pl , lr <i You will notice that the total funds to the credit of this Administration amount to £2,159 ' The amount authorised for expenditure on roads was not exhausted, as the supply of explosives failed owing to so much being expended for reservoirs, boat-harbours, &c. I have, <fee, C. F. Maxwell, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister in Charge, Resident Commissioner, Niue. Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington.

Enclosures. Niue Island Revenue Account for Quarter ended 30th September, 1904. 1904 Receipts. j 1904. Disbursements. £ s. d July ITo Balance brought forward .. 748 17 5 By Labour 19> 0 Customs duties received .. 192 15 6 Interpreter .. .. 111 0 Fines and fees .. .. 25 10 0 Refund ot duty .. .. 6 4 0 Shipping fees .. .. 2 0 6 Horse-feed .. .. 2 3 0 Emigration fees .. .. 2JO 0 Allowance to Native constables 10 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. 0 5 0 Sundry expenses .. .. 8 5 6 Rent of offices .. .. 2 4 0 Road-work .. .. 146 14 4 Compensation for cocoanuttrees .. .. .. 8 6 0 Provisions for Native labourers 3 11 0 Labour constructing reservoir 12 2 0 Allowance to Council .. 10 0 Boat's crew .. .. 0 110 Stationery .. .. 0 13 2 £213 10 0 Sept. 15 Remitted to Bank of New Zealand 101 5 0 „ 30 Cash in hand .. .. 656 13 5 £971 8 5 . £ 971 8 5 Nile Island Current Account, Bank op New Zealand, Auckland. 1904 Br £ s- d. 1904. Or. £ s. d. June 30 To Balance to credit .. .. 432 8 2 Sept. 13 By Wingate and Co. .. .. 23 10 6 Niue stamp sales in New Zea- „ 14 P. P. Colledge .••„..•• ,? ° " land to 30th April .. 10 3 1 „ 24 Cook Islands Administration 15 0 0 Sept. 15 Remitted from Niue .. 101 5 0 „ 30 Balance to credit in bank .. 503 5 9 £543~1T~3 g43 16 3 C. F. Maxwell, 10th October, 1904. Resident Commissioner, Niue. Total Funds to credit of Niue Island Administration as on 30th September, 1904. £ s. d. Fixed deposit bank of New Zealand, Auckland .. ... ... 500 0 0 In Post-office Savings-bank, Auckland ... ... ... ... 500 0 0 Balance to credit Current Account, Bank of New Zealand, Auckland 503 5 9 Cash balance in Niue ... ••• ■•• •• ••• 656 13 5 £2,159 19 2 C. F. Maxwell, 10th October 1904. Resident Commissioner, Niue.

No. 80. SlR _ Niue, 13th October, 1904. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the Licensing Acts Amendment Bill as No. 68. introduced by the Premier. . ' . I see nothino- in the section of the Bill which relates to the Cook and other Islands to which exception might reasonably be taken, or which will materially alter the existing state of affairs as regards liquor on Niue. ■ . , „ ■ . . -, . I assume that if the Act becomes law regulations will be provided fixing details, such as price of liquor, quantity which may be sold to any person at one time, and interval between such sales.

5—A. 3.