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Any trader purchasing dry cocoanuts from any Native as aforesaid, in excess of the quantity required for the purposes above stated, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten shillings (10s.) for each offence. Passed by the Niue Island Council, at Alofi, this 25th day of August, 1904. ToGIA, Approved, President of Niue Island Council. C. F. Maxwell, Resident Commissioner, Niue. [Returned for amendment.]

No. 58. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, Ist September, 1904. Referring to your letter of the 30th April last, recommending legislation on the subject of the jurisdiction of the High Court in respect of wills, etc., I have now to inform, you that the Law Draughtsman, to whom the matter was referred, has replied as follows: — " Section 4 of the principal Act says that the jurisdiction, &c, of the existing Courts ' shall continue until other provision is made.' This, I take it, means until other provision is made in accordance with law, whether by the New Zealand Parliament or by the Federal Council. In my opinion, effect should be given to the Resident Commissioner's suggestion by an amendment to the High Court Act of 1898. In making such amendment care should be taken not to affect the jurisdiction of the Land Titles Court, which has power to grant probate of estates of Natives.— W. Jolliffe, 15/7/04." In view of this opinion no reference has been made to this matter in the Cook and other Islands Government Act Amendment Bill, and it will be for you to take such action as you deem necessary through the Federal Council in the direction indicated by Mr. Jolliffe. I have, <fee, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

A.-3, 1904, No. 182,

No. 59. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 2nd September, 1904. 1 return herewith Ordinances Nos. 3 and 13 of the Niue Island Council—viz., " The Niue Island Native Magistrates and Police Ordinance, 1904," and " The Niue Island Suppression of Immorality Ordinance, 1904," duly assented to by His Excellency the Governor. I have, <fee, C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Resident Commissioner, Niue. C. H. Mills.

See Nos. 1 and 9.

NO. 60. S IE — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 2nd September, 1904. I have to acknowledge the receipt, of your two letters of the 18th July, on the subject of the proposed accommodation-house. The plan of the building has been approved by Cabinet, and they also approve of your suggestion to acquire the Vaikapuangi Block under subsection (10a) of section 10 of the Order in Council establishing the Land Titles Court. Will you please therefore take steps accordingly, and let me know later on how the matter stands. I had tenders invited in Auckland for the supply of material for the building, and the following have been accepted: Kauri Timber Company, for timber, doors, window-sashes, <&c, £246: Briscoe and Co., for ironwork, ironmongery, paints, tools, &c, £104 3s. 3d. ; Wilson and Co. (Limited), for cement, £175 16s. Bd. Pipes to be made and charged at cost. _ All the material will be sent by the schooner, which I expect will be leaving Auckland about the end of the month. I am arranging with the Public Works Department to have the material inspected before shipment, so that the vouchers may be certified as correct and passed for payment without the delay of having to refer them to Ra-otonga. _ I note the steps you purpose taking in order to make the place as attractive as possible, and hope you will be able to successfully carry out your plans in this direction^ The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. c - H - Mills.

No. 32

No. 61. a m _ Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 2nd September, 1904. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th July, with reference to the visit of HM S "Clio " for the purpose of opening boat-passages through.the reefs at Mangaia and Atiu, and note that at the time of your writing the vessel had not been able to do the work owing to bad weather. I shall be glad to hear from you again when the work has been completed. The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. c - H - Mills.

No. 33