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No. 41. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, sth August, 1904. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 7th and 25th June on the subject of education in the Islands. I note that you consider nothing is to be gained by bringing children to New Zealand to be educated, the education given at Tereora School being all that is required. As regards the larger question of the Government taking over the control of all the schools in the Islands, this has been submitted to Cabinet, and 1 am unable at present to say anything further about it. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

Nos. 6 and 14.

No. 42. Sir, — Rarotonga, sth August, 1904. In reply to your letter No. 139 of the 7th July, I have the honour to inform you that I have conveyed to Mr. Ellis the acceptance of his resignation as Government Agent for Tukao, as also the thanks of the Government for the manner in which that gentleman has performed the duties incidental to his office. I have the honour to recommend that Mr. Henry Williams, of Tatihonu, be made Resident Agent for all Manihiki. 1 have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon. The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister administering the Islands, Wellington.

No. 23,

No. 43. . Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, 6th August, 1904. Referring to my letter of the 22nd March last, in which I stated, in reference to the Niue Island Marriage, Divorce, and Registration Ordinance (No. 4), that it was intended to pass an Order in Council introducing into Niue such portions of the New Zealand marriage and divorce law as would give effect to the main features of the Ordinance, I have to inform you that it has been decided that the Governor in Council has no power to apply a portion only of a New Zealand Act to the Islands, as to do this would be equivalent to enacting fresh legislation. The Attorney-General suggests that the Ordinance should be repassed by the Niue Island Council, omitting all clauses relating to divorce, and the Governor will, then be able to give his assent. This will leave the law relating to divorce in the island exactly what it is now. I shall be glad if you will give effect to this suggestion. I return the Ordinance herewith. I enclose also a copy of the Solicitor-General's opinion on this matter, in which the Attorney-General concurs. I have, <fee, The Resident Commissioner, Niue. C. H. Mills.

A.-3, 1901, No. 163,

No. 44. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 10th August, 1904. I have the honour to return herewith " The Au Empowering Act Amendment Ordinance, 1904," duly assented to by His Excellency the Governor. 1 have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

Sac No. 17

No. 45. g IR _, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 12th August, 1904. I have the honour to forward attached a communication from the Collector of Customs at Rarotonga, pointing out that the Port of Rarotonga has not as yet been sufficiently defined, and that it has not as vet been proclaimed a port for the importation of tobacco. I have the honour to recommend that the suggestions contained in Mr. Herd's letter mayreceive favourable consideration. I have, <fee, W. E. Gudgeon, Resident Commissioner. The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister administering Islands, Wellington.

Enclosure. g Customhouse, Rarotonga, 11th August, 1904. With regard to the appointment of the-Port of Rarotonga as a port of entry, I beg to call your attention to. the fact that the. limits of the port have not been defined, nor have legal landing-places been appointed. . . j . ', .i- j j t I would therefore suggest that the proper authorities be requested to nave this done, and 1 submit below a description of the limits and legal landing-place which I think will suit our requirements. . This port should also be appointed a port for the importation of tobacco. Yours, <fee, T. R. Herd, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. Collector of Customs.