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List of Applications and Advances— continued.

jocal Authority. Atnouut applied for. Provisionally granted or refused. Advances. Result of Poll or r .,.. B , ,,etuioa - i2S. fSJtoSI Purpose of Loan. Renmrtoi. COUN' 'Y COU] TOILS— continued. Brought forward Ohinemuri £ 54,420 1,750 £ 3,499 £ 21,707 Constructing main drains, &c, for Paeroa ] Township Erecting a bridge over the Waioeka Eiver, paying off an overdraft, and forming a portion of the main road Erecting a bridge over the Waioeka River .. Constructing roads in the Hiwinui and Otangaki Ridings Constructing bridges in No. 5 Subdivision. Forming and metalling portions of main county road in Matakohe Road District Forming and metalling sundry roads in Whakapirau Riding Forming and metalling sundry roads in Wairau Riding Forming and metalling sundry roads in Paparoa Riding Constructing water-supply works for Makuri Forming and metalling Bourke's Road R. • • Declined. Opotiki 6,000 R. Oroua 2,000 5,450 R. R. Otamatea i|ioo R. 460 • • • 900 R. 1,360 R. 1,260 R. Pahiatua 1,000 110 P.G. P.G. No poll required 800 500 150 200 200 Constructing Range Road. Constructing roads in the Pori District. Constructing Avery's Road. Metalling part of Central Ridge Road. Metalling part of Woodville-Ngaturi Road and part of Kohinui Road. Constructing roads in Delaware" Special Rating District. Constructing roads in Pohangina and Mangaone Ridings. Forming and metalling roads atTe Mata .. Forming and metalling roads at Te Mata .. Forming and metalling roads in Pukekawa Special Rating District Constructing portions of Raglan - Tuakau Road Uncompleted. Uncompleted. Under section 14 of the Act. Pohangina 231 338 Declined. Uncompleted. Declined. fUglan 2,000 1,000 2,000 R. P.G. R. Carried 400 R. Not in compliance with terms of the Aot. 4,000 204 Constructing portions of Raglan-Tuakau Road. Completing the road from Ngaruawahia to ■ Waimai. Forming and culverting Murray's Track from end of present formation to Mataroa Widening, culverting, and gravelling TorerePukeokahu Road Constiuctiog drainage-works Taihape Township Metalling the Pukenaua Road Providing a portion of Council's share of the cost of constructing a cart-bridge over the Rangitikei River at Mangarere 1,200 R. Declined. Rangitikei 330 G. No poll required Ditto 330 Under section 68 of the Act. Ditto. n ' ' 100 G. 100 60 500 G. P.G. 60 Under section 113 of I " The Publio Works I Act, 1894." Uncompleted. i> • * 2,000 Metalling six miles of Makohine-Manga-weka Road. Widening, culverting, and gravelling TorerePukeokahu Road. Widening and metalling Murray's Creek. Constructing drainage-works in Taihape Township. Widening, culverting, and metalling the Otaihape Improved-farm Settlement roads Forming and fencing Pureiri Lake Road. Erecting a cart-bridge over Mangaone Stream. Forming, culverting, and bridging Whaka Road. Widening and culverting on Gorge Road. Completing the construction of culverts at Taumutu. Constructing water-races in Malvern Watersupply District. Constructing culverts at Taumutu. Dredging the River Halswell. Constructing water-races in Goalgate Watersupply District. Constructing water-races in Waimakariri Water-supply District. Metalling a portion of Makuri (Huiroa) Road 760 * ■ ' 100 900 * • • » * * 600 400 150 250 Selwyn 2,100 K. 350 Declined. 800 * • • 1,100 600 500 it • • 70 Stratford 900 G. No poll required 900 Under section 14 ol the Act. Carried forward 85,940 4,889 37,370