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List of Applications and Advances— continued.

•2—B. .14.

Local Authority. Amount applied for. Provisionally granted or refused. Result of Poll or Petition. Advances. New Loa ns of Purpose of Loan. Kemarka. & I Brought forward 275,017 lutt .. .. 1,800 .. 10,000 G. No poll required P.G. Oarried RIVER BOARDS. £ 35,334 1,800 153,618 Construction of river protective works .. Under seotion 14 of the Act. „ .. For two successive years' expenditure. ioohiel Fpper Orari .. 1,000 P.G. 3,000 500 Construction of drainage-works. Erection of protective works on the southern bank of the Orari River. Construction of drainage-works .. .. Under section 14 of the Aot. I Winton .. 1,000 G. No poll required LAI D-DRAI NAGE BOARDS. ierwiok lltham lanawatu Land | 4,500 langahoe ifcakia .. .. j 7est Taieri R. 50 150 350 Raising a defence embankment along the l Waipori River. Construction of drains, water-oourses, &c. Widening, deepening, and repairing drains and water-courses. Construction of drainage-works and bridges Declined. Improving the Mangahoe River. Construction of drainage-works. 100 350 400 Under Secti ion 73 o: 1 "The I jOOAL Bodies' Loans Act, 1901." To open up blocks of land for settlement. fon. Minister of 24,482 Lands •Totals .. 317,799 16,081 9,672 53,215 168,190 * £134,296 Note.—P. C has to be c leducted f] rovisionall •om this amount for loans refused, y granted ; G., granted ; R., refused. t. means p: