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List of Applications and Advances — continued.

Local Authority. Amount; applied for. Provisionally granted or refused. Result of Poll or Petition. New Loans. Ivai ices. Purpose of Loan. Renmrlse. joans of 'reviouK Yeais. COUN 'Y cou: TOILS— continued. £ 72,052 300 £ 3,905 £ 26,346 Construction of road dora Ngaruawahia to Waimai Brought forward iaglan.. P.G. No poll r. quired Uncompleted. Under section 14 of the Act. ;angitikei 1,000 G. Carried 100 300 Ditto. Construction of drainage works in Taihape Towni-h p. Forming and fencing Pureiri Lake Boad .. 750 200 150 G. G. P.G. No poll required Ditto Ditto 200 100 Widening and metalling Murray's Track Erection of a cart bridge over the Mangaone Stream Under section 14 of the Act. Ditto, Uncompleted. Under section 14 of the Act. Application held over, 4,000 R. Krection of a cart-b idge over the Turakina Biver, and widening and culverting the Turakina Valley Road Widening, culverting, and gravelling TorerePukeokahu Road. Metalling portion of Mangapapa Boad. Widening and culverting on Gorge Boad. Forming and nulverting portions of Kilkeru Road. Metalling Pukenana Boad. Forming, culverting, and metalling Dunsinane Boad. Widening, culverting, and metalling the Otaihape Improved Farm Settlement ro ids. Construction of roads and bridges in Taihape Township. Metalling six miles of Makohine-Mangaweka Boad. Construction of water-races in Malvern Water-supply District Construction of water-races in Waimakariri Water-supply District Construction of culverts at Taumutu. Dr dging the River Halswell. Construction of water-races in Malvern Water-supply District. Constiuction of water-races in Waimakariri Water-supply District. Construction of two miles of Makuri (Huiroa) Road Construction of Cheal and Wingrove Boads 2,400 II • • 50 700 100 600 400 600 250 500 elwyn 2,500 H. Deolined, 70 P.G. Under section 68 of the Act. 2,200 900 2,200 Stratford 800 350 350 200 750 50 G. G. G. P.G. P.G. P.G. No poll required Ditto Ditto No poll required Ditto 400 350 350 700 Construction of portion of Autawa Road .. Construction of Mangaehu Road South Defraying cost ol metalling the South Douglas Road Constiuction of portion of Mangaehu Road Under section 14 of tne Act. Under section 68 of the Act. Ditto. Uncompleted. Uncompleted. Under section 14 of the Act. Uncompleted. Under section 68 of the Aot. Ditto. Declined. 85 900 150 P.G. B. P.G. Ditto Metalling portion of Makuri (Huiroa) Roafl Construction of a bridge over the Mangaebu Stream on Murcott Road. Forming, grading, and bridging tbe Tupuni Boad. Construction of Brewer and other roads. Construction of Standish Road. Construction of portion of Mangaehu Boad. Construction of Mangaohiku and other roads. Construction of portion of Pukengahu Boad. Construction of Victoria Boad. Complete the construction of a bridge over the Mangaehu River. Construction of a bridge over the Mangaehu Biver. Beconstruction of bridges in the county 375 37 400 500 2,538 300 450 150 Not in compliance with terms of the Aot. Under sections 77 to 79 of the Aot. Held over. n • • 150 )aranaki 4,000 B. 1,000 G. Carried 1,000 Benewing the Ngatoronui Bridge Vaiapu 2,000 B. Construction of roads in Mangaoparo and Matakao Districts Completion of the Mill Road Building bridges and metalling county roads Vaimarino Vaipa 175 10,000 101,832 P.G. E. Uncompleted. Declined. Carried foiward 6,405 43,146