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No. 65. Government Insurance Department, Wellington, 9th September, 1903. Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister of Customs, Parliamentary Buildings. Repayment of £0,000 by Annual Instalments covering Principal and Interest. RkfbbrimG to our conversation regarding the above matter, the annual instalments required to repay £6,000, together with 2 per cent, compound interest, in fifteen or twenty years are £466 19s. Id. and .£-366 18s. 10d. respectively, and at 3 per. cent compound interest for the same periods, £502 12s. and £403 ss. lid. I enclose schedules showing the. amount of principal and interest contained i-n each annual payment for the above rates and terms, and the amount of principal outstanding after each payment. J. H. Richaedson, Commissioner.

No. 66. SIR, " Countess of Ranfurly," Auckland, 10th September, 1903. lie moorings at Niue, I would suggest —1 anchor, 8 cwt. ex stock ; 1 anchor, 2 cwt. ex stock; 30 fathoms 1 in. cable (stud); 45 fathoms \\ in. cable; 1 large mooring-shackle; 1 mooringbuoy, about 70 cubic feet. The last-named would be to float the ljin. cable in, say, 12 fathoms water; but Captain Post or Captain Bollans could give the best advice re buoy. [Sketch.] (Indicating a drawing not printable.) The above is to give a very rough idea of what I would propose, subject to Captain Post's or Captain Bollans's opinion of moorings for a 200- to 300-ton vessel. These moorings will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the trade at Niue. I have, &c, P. A. Worslet, R.N.R., Master. Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister of Customs, <fee.

Nos. 17 & 32.

No. 67. (Telegram.) 12th September, 1903. Xo instructions have been issued to merchants in Auckland that they should pay duty there. Any goods they ship can be sent under bond to Niue, as I consider all money from that source should be island revenue. I have instructed Collector in Auckland to that effect. C. F. Maxwell, c/o Captain Worsley, Auckland. C. H. Mills.

No. '26

No. 68. Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, Sir,— 19th September, 1903. In further reply to your letter of the 2nd July, I have to say that the position re duty is us follows : There is nothing to prevent any merchant forwarding whatever goods may be required from Auckland under bond to Niue, and you will collect the duty there. If they forward the goods duty-paid in New Zealand no drawback can be allowed, but I am going to see what arrangements, if any, can be made, so that a credit account for Niue can be kept, to be adjusted at the end of each year. I have, &c, C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Resident Agent, Niue. C. H. Mills.

No. 20,

No. 69. Sir, — Rarotonga, 21st September, 1903. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters Nos. 84 and 85, forwarding the following Ordinances, which have been assented to by His Excellency the Governor: — Ordinance No. ■'! of the Rarotonga Council, to regulate the erection and repair of dividingfences. Ordinance No. 11 of the Federal Council, extending the provisions of the Traders' License Act, section 2, to Manihiki, Rakahanga, and Pukapuka. Ordinance No. 12, Federal Council, to regulate and insure the attendance of Native children at the various schools within the Islands. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, Resident Commissioner, The Hon. C, H. Mills, Minister for the Islands, Wellington,

No. 57.