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No. 21. Sir,— Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 10th June, 1903. 1 bave the honour to inform you that I have arranged with Mr. Winchester, of the firm of Maxwell and Co., of Penrhyn, to plant the Aitutaki lagoon with Scilly Island shell, the most valuable of all the pearl-shell. It would seem to me that there is a fair prospect of success in this case, inasmuch as the Mopia lagoon has been planted with the same shell, and has produced no less than 40 tons in a year. If the venture is successful there would be no difficulty in proclaiming the lagoon of Aitutaki a Government reserve, and I would suggest that I be empowered to give Messrs. Dexter and Winchester an exclusive right to dive for shell for ten years as a recognition of their services, inasmuch as it is intended to make several yearly shipments of young shell and spawn from Scilly to Aitutaki. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, Resident Commissioner. Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands, Wellington.

No. 22. Sir," — Minister's Office, Trade and Customs, Wellington, 12th June, 1903. When at Niue I consulted with Mr. Maxwell, regarding making surveys on the island, and he informed me it would be impossible for him to undertake the work, as if he did it would simply mean neglecting his other duties; in fact, he wants some assistance there as it is to help him in his work. I should like your advice as to what is best to be done, as I assume Mr. Connal will have plenty of work for some time with you. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

No. 23. Sin, — Minister's Office, Trade and Customs, Wellington, 13th June, 1903. In reply to your letter of the 2nd April re making passages through the reefs, the Premier told me definitely before leaving that if nothing had been done regarding the cutting of the passages in order to give proper access to the islands, he would make arrangements for having the work done. On his leturn to Wellington I will confer with him as to the best means to adopt, and what officer should be sent down to carry out the work. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

No. 6,

No. 24. Sir, — Minister's Office, Trade and Customs, Wellington, 13th June, 1903. Your letters of the 30th March and 21st April, referring to an Ordinance passed by the Aitutaki Island Council to regulate the use of bicycles, and one passed by the Council of Mangaia, must both stand over until Cabinet has considered these questions. Yours, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

No. 2

No. 25. Sir, — Eastern Pacific, Rarotonga, 25th June, 1903. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 1502, of the 22nd May, with reference to the Island of Takutea, and beg to inform you that His Excellency the Governor has written to Makea thanking her for the gift by her late husband, and assuring her that the island will be used for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Group. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands. Resident Commissioner.

A.-3, 1903, No. 58,

No. 26. Sir,— Niue, 2nd July, 1903. I have the honour to submit to you for your information a copy of a letter that I have written to the Collector of Customs, Auckland, asking for information regarding the collection in Auckland of duties on goods shipped to Niue. If it is definitely decided that duties will be collected in Auckland on all goods for Niue, excepting tobacco, spirituous liquors, and goods in bond via Auckland, the position will be clear. It would, however, be severe on traders there who wish to bond part of their stock in Niue. I have, &c, C. F. Maxwell, Government Agent, Niue. The Hon. the Commissioner of Trade and Customs, Wellington.