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Enclosure. [Translation.] Wβ, the undersigned chiefs and people of Tamahaleleka, pray His Excellency Lord Ranfurly, K.C.M.G., the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand, to prohibit the sale of all intoxicating liquors on this Island of Niue. If liquors are bought and sold by the foreign residents on the island many irregularities will occur, and we shall be unable to enforce the law that liquor shall not be sold nor given to Natives at Niue. Togia [and 201 others]. [Also petitions in similar terms from the following villages: Alofi, 351 signatures; Makefu. 33 signatures; Avatele, 38 signatures; Hakupu, 111 signatures; Tamalagau, 63 signatures; Mutalau, 185 signatures; Fatiau, 32 signatures; Hikutavake, 88 signatures; Uhomotu, 98 signatures ; Tamakautoga, 67 signatures.]

No. 12. Sir,— Rarotouga, sth May, 1903. With reference to the question of audit, I have the honour to suggest that a sum of £40 should be added to the estimates in order to pay the passage and expenses of one of the New Zealand Auditors to this island. I think that any officer of the calibre of Mr. Webb would finish bis work here during the week that the steamer is absent at Tahiti. I would also suggest that an Auditor should be sent here with as little delay as possible to examine last year's accounts. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands. Resident Commissioner.

No. 13. Sir, — Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 6th May, 1903. I have the honour to forward attached a draft Order in Council for the purpose of adopting section 50 of the Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act of 1901, and all regulations made thereunder. This law is required in this Group, even more than in New Zealand, by reason of the fact that every family has one or more adopted children, and these children are almost invariably objected to, after the decease of the adopting parent, by his relatives. In such cases endless litigation follows the want of registration. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands. Resident Commissioner.

No. 14. Sir,- Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 20th May, 1903. I have the honour to draw your attention to a specific instance of the unsuitability of the New Zealand tariff to the condition of these Islands, and to point out that some arrangement in modification of the tariff is not only advisable but even necessary in aid of the revenue. Before the introduction of the present tariff large sales of tobacco were made, both in Niue and the Northern Islands, but since the imposition of 3s. 6d. per pound this sale has in great measure ceased. That the consumption of tobacco continues I have no doubt, but not at the price at which it must be sold if duty is paid thereon. My conclusion is that at 3s. 6d. per pound we are only encouraging smuggling, and the sale of a very inferior tobacco grown in Mangaia, and which is largely exported to the Northern Islands. I have the honour to suggest that [ may be allowed to grant a rebate of 2s. per pound on all tobacco imported into these Islands. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, Resident Commissioner. The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands, Wellington.

No. 15. g IR( — Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 26th May, 1903. 1 have the honour to forward enclosed return of revenue and expenditure for the Island of Niue for the fifteen months ending the 31st March. 1903. The balance in hand, £1,242 3s. id., discloses a most satisfactory condition of affairs, as it will enable Mr. Maxwell to improve the landing-places, make roads, and do the numerous works co urgently required at Niue. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgbon, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister for the Islands. Resident Commissioner.