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No. 1—continued. ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1904, compared with Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903— continued.

1902-1903. EXPENDITURE. 1903-1904. £ s. d. 277,565 9 7 Brought forward .. .. .. 164,007 18 2 Acquirement of Estates— continued. £ s. d. 164,007 18 2 £ s. d. 28,551 7 0 28,551 7 0 £ s. d. 192,559 5 2 £ s. d. 4,739 0 4 0 8 6 3 9 9 211 10 9 0 5 0 Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Purchase-money. Expenses. Expense 368. Total. 15,279 4 0 92 16 6 34 5 9 25,381 9 0 55 17 6 48 14 7 704 14 2 0 18 0 96 4 10 Rautawiri Richmond Brook Ringway Rosebrook Rosewill (New Zealand and Australian Land Company, Limited) .. .. .. 246,022 7 0 Spotswood Squire's Homestead Starborough Station Peak (R. Campbell and Sons), (difference in value of land exchanged) .. .. 300 0 0 St. Helen's (J. Gray and A. Reid) .. .. 4,338 13 0 Tablelands Takitu Tamaki Tamai Tarawahi Teanaraki Toka-ora Tokarahi Waari Waikakahi Waimarie Whitehall .. Wigan (J. Macfarlane) .. .. .. 53,946 12 8 Willows Windsor Park Windsor Park No. 2 246,022 7 0 300 0 0 4,338 13 0 23 : 59 2,421 : 858 : 6 113 : 1,190 139 : 21 : 65 174 : 47 : 0 460 : l : 97 : 409 28 : 136 : 23 10 0 59 1 5 2,421 16 6 858 15 6 6 5 6 113 14 9 1,190 8 0 139 10 6 21 12 2 65 1 6 174 15 6 10 0 1 5 16 6 15 6 5 6 14 9 8 0 10 6 12 2 1 6 15 6 15 10 6 8 13 11 12 9 19 6 8 4 19 1 17 3 23 10 0 59 1 5 248,444 3 6 858 15 6 6 5 6 300 0 0 4,452 7 9 1,190 8 0 139 10 6 21 12 2 65 1 6 174 15 6 503,425 2 6 15 9 98 13 1 14 0 47 15 10 0 6 8 460 13 11 1 12 9 47 15 10 0 6 8 460 13 11 1 12 9 53,946 12 8 97 19 6 409 8 4 97 19 6 54,356 1 0 19 8 0 32,394 4 7 16,993 17 9 28 19 1 136 17 3 28 19 1 136 17 3 368,984 1 1 468,615 10 10 468,615 10 10 34,809 : 34,809 11 8 11 8 503,425 2 6 93,599 7 6 Interest recouped to Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issue ed 115,088 9 2 319 14 9 Charges and Expenses on issue of Debentures under the Act 15 18 5 260,100 0 0 Redemption of Debentures due 1st April, 1902 200 0 0 Unauthorised, — Services not provided for 38,352 1 5 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government — In the Colony Investment Aocount .. 93,069 19 2 418,658 18 9 2,722 18 4 325,000 0 0 588 19 7 325,000 0 0 366,074 19 9 Totals 1,093,018 19 2 1,041,927 9 2