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The Education Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that Education Boards should have discretion to expend the ordinary grant for school buildings for any of the purposes for which such grant is now available, with the following modification—namely, That not more than 7 per cent, of such grant may, if the Board think fit, be used for the purpose of making small alterations and additions, subject to the limitation following, that is to say, that the cost of any additions for more than 200 square feet of class-room floor-space should not be paid for out of this grant in any one year for any school of Grade 8 or under, and that of not more than 400 square feet in any school over Grade 8. The Committee recommend that this report, with the evidence attached, be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ebedekick E. Baume, Chairman. Parliament Buildings, Wellington, Ist November, 1904.