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180. It shows that there could be a connection made between our supply and the city supply if necessary? —Yes. 181. Mr. MacGregor.] How long have you been in this country? —Almost a year. 182. How long were you in Sydney? —Not a minute. 183. So that your knowledge of Sydney is more limited than that of New Zealand? —I said so. 184. Your figures show that Greater Dunedin, with a population of 53,000, should have a demand for 9,000 and over electrical horse-power per annum? —Yes. 185. Do you know the respective populations of Dunedin and its suburbs? —I am not an " old identity." 186. Would you be surprised to learn that there are only twenty-five thousand people in Dunedin and about twenty-seven thousand in the suburbs? —I am aware of that. 187. I suppose we may take it, applying that population test, which you say is the correct test, that at least 5,000-horse power would be required in the suburbs of Dunedin? —I did not say so, because that particular quantity includes a question I was asked as regards industries. There is a large quantity of that power considered in the calculations for the calcium-carbide factory. 188. Could you not establish the calcium-carbide factory as well outside Dunedin as inside? —Yes, if we could get the water to go up there —up the Bay. 189. Do you not know that it is only since this Bill was introduced that there has been any suggestion to bring the calcium-carbide factory into Dunedin? —No. 190. Do you not know that all the negotiations took place on the basis that that factory was to be situated at Milburn, but you were astute enough to see the effect of that, and shifted your factory into the city? —No. I made my calculations, assuming that the factory was to go to Milburn, and that our line would have to be paid for. 191. It is really out of consideration for your company? —It is a matter of price. 192. How is it that the first communication is dated August? Did not the earlier letters refer to Milburn? —No; they asked me for prices for Dunedin, Milburn, and another place. 193. And because you assume that you are going to get into Dunedin you quote a lower price? —It was because I did not have to construct another line. 194. And therefore you robbed poor little Milburn of this industry? —That is about the size of it. 195. So you are not possessed of those lofty motives which actuate Mr. Duncan, who shows some consideration for generations unborn, and so on? —Of Milburn, no. 196. I am glad to hear of that: you are out here to make money every time? —Rather. I did not come here for health. 197. Curiously enough, the only specific industry that will compete with yours is suggested —that of making acetylene gas? —I am not afraid of it. Acetylene gas is a vitiator of the atmosphere; it is a producer of heat and noxious fumes that destroy tapestry, wall-paper, books, and people's health, and if a man will use gas in his house when he can get electricity —even if it be at a higher price than gas —I do not think that man is altogether right. 198. How is it, then, according to you, directly electricity comes into a town the supply and manufacture of gas increase? —Gas is used for other purposes besides lighting. 199. But the purpose of this gas is for light? —Carbide gas is used in places where they cannot get electricity or gas from a central station. 200. Is it not used for lighting? —Yes, it is essentially a lighting gas. 201. Are you aware of the cost of gas-power? —Yes. 202. What is it? —About fd. per horse-power per hour. 203. What is the cost per annum for twenty-four hours a day?— Somewhere about £18. 204. And for eight hours a day? —Somewhere about £7, or a trifle more. 205. So that you can get gas-engines in Dunedin to work eight hours a day for £7 per annum. Do you k-now how many gas-engines are used in Dunedin ? —No. 206. Would you be surprised to hear that there are 161 ? —lt may be so reported in the papers. 207. You have not told us yet what you can deliver your power at in Dunedin? —No. 208. Why is that? —Because you are not ready to make a contract. 209. You have not told the Committee? —Because I have not been asked. 210. Well, what is the cost delivered at the present power-house or distributing-station in Dunedin? —Under the same conditions as Mr. Hay put it? 211. Yes? —Somewhere about £7 12s. for twenty-four hours a day. 212. That is the actual landed cost? —Yes. 213. So that according to your own figures the cost of a gas-engine would be less than the electrical engine. What would be the cost for eight hours? —The same cost. It depends upon the contract. 214. You cannot get any nearer than that? —No. It depends upon how much electricity you are going to take. It varies with the quantity. 215. The Chairman.] They want to know, not the price, but the cost to the company at the distributing-point? —What is the horse-power required? 216. Mr. MacGregor .[J Two thousand? —It can be done for a trifle less than £7 12s. for 2,000--horse power. 217. Have you worked that out? —No, that problem has never come before us, to deliver 2,000 horse power into one place. 218. Has it not come before you in connection with the calcium-carbide company? —Yes, in that particular place; but the two conditions differ entirely. 219. For lighting purposes £3 has to be added to Mr. Goodman's figures? —Yes. 220. That would apply to your figures, assuming that you did the distributing yourself, and you say that would cost, anything from £Per annum? —It might be more or less,

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