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Brought up on Tuesday, the 30th August, 1904, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the Bouse of Representatives. Fbiday, the 22nd Day of July, 1904. Ordered "That a Committee consisting of nine members be appointed to consider the Dentists Bill, and to repon thereon to the House, with power to call for persons and papers; three to form a quorum : the Committee to consist of!Mr Bale, Mr. Buddo, Mr. EU, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Hemes, Mr. Jennings, Mr. MoNab, Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, and the mover."—(Mr. Sidey.)

EEPOET. I have to report that the Dentists Bill Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill has duly considered the same and taken evidence thereon, and recommends that the Bill as amended be allowed to proceed; and that the evidence taken in connection therewith be printed. 30th August, 1904. W. H. Herries, Chairman.

MINUTES OF EVIDENCE. Tuesday, 2nd August, 1904. Deputation, consisting of Messrs. A. Hoby, H. P. Rawson, and R. Bulkley, in attendance. The Chairman: Do all you gentlemen propose to give evidence, or will one of you gl ve evidence for the lot? Mr Rawson: I would suggest that Mr. Hoby speak for'us. The Chairman.] Very well, we will take Mr. Hoby first, and then, ,f either of you other gentlemen have anything to add you may do so. Arthur Hoby examined. (No. 1.) 1. The Chairman.] You have come to give evidence with regard to the Dentists Bill, Mr. H ° by 2 ? ~Ar e e S 'vou speaking for yourself or for the dentists in generaH-I am speaking for the meeting of Wellington dentists which was held last Tuesday night. 3 Mr. EU.) Just the Wellington dentists?— Yes. I The Chairman 1 Will you make a statement as to what your ideas regarding the Bill are, and then the members of the Committee can ask you questions?-Yes. The meeting instructed us three to wait upon you and to give evidence. On the whole they heartily approved of the Bill. They Indorsld the major portion of the Bill, but there are one or two things they would like to see altCr s d 'l think the Committee would like to hear your suggestions t-The question of foreign dentists which is dealt with in clauses 13 and 14 of the Bill, has been a difficult one. As one of the members of the Examining Board here, I am able to state that this matter has been constant y brought up. Dentists have been coming to the country and wanting to be registered-particularly American dentists-and we have had to examine them. They can claim examination within thirty days upon producing certificates showing that they were qualified to practise in the country from

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