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1. 2. 3. 4. Names of Districts. Number of Owners on Number of Sheep on Sheep-rate for 30th April, 1903. 30th April, 1904. 30th April, 1903. 30th April, 1904. 1903. 1904. 1904. I I Auckland ... 2,383 2,122 784,043 685,799 £ 784 4,420 £ 685 4,483 Napier* ... 1,844 2,074 4,419,419 4,482,877 Wellington- West Coast* 4,236 3,974 4,230,369 4,035,287 4,230 4,035 Marlborough-Nelson* 1,783 1,785 927,483 937,488 Canterbury-Kaikoura* 927 937 4,282 4,429 4,960,474 4,778,612 4,960 4,779 Otago 4,233 4,109 3,632,765 3,360,743 3,633 3,361 Total for Colony .. I 18,761 I 18,493 18,954,553 18,280,806 18,954 18,280 Decrease ... 673 ,747 £674. Coast, Marlboro~u g h-Nelson7and Canterbury-Kaikoura been slightly changed since last year. Tables C and D shoVhovT^