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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1903, to the 31st March, 1904.

Date of Name °, £ Vesse1 ' Casualty. Age and class . b! CD co cd Number of Nature of Number Wind. c?g I PassenS Eh | g j gers. Place where Casualty occurrec Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. Cargo. Force. 1903. Feb. 2 Glenelg, s.s., 25 years Schooner 156 19 General Stranded; no damage South Spit, Wanganui River S.E. Light .. Stranding caused through master of "Toroa" when proceeding down river not having mast head light and not keeping sufficient lookout fur harbourmaster's signals, in consequence of which he failed to see and obey the danger-signal shown by the harbourmaster. He was ordered to pay £10 towards the cost of inquiry. The master of the s.s. "Glenelo," and the i arbourmaster were exonerated from nil blame Tail shaft broke outside main stern-post, and propeller was los', John Charles Blacklock. April 17 Near white man-o'-war buoy, Wellington Harbour Big River, West Coast., South Island Alongside wharf, Bluff Harbour Admiral, s.s., 20 years Schooner 82 70 Breaking of tailshaft N.W. Light .. A. E. Burt. 23 TeKapu,s.s.,14 years Bro:hers,4 years Schooner 50 6 General Stranded ; no damage Fire; total loss S.W. . Light .. Vessel was navigating narrow channel and touched a sandbank, causing loss of way. Fire caused by an explosion through leakage of benzine stowed in hold, causing a generation of vapour gas which came in contact with some light or spark, and there was no evidence to show whether the application of such light or spark was wilful or accidental Master was not sufficiently careful when ap proaching the land, and in view of the light. His soundings were unreliable, and he did not take precautions to ascertain whether they were correct, or not. He was solely responsible for stranding. His certificate was suspended for six months, and he was ordered to pay £3 3s. towards cost of inquiry When leaving wharf vessel's port-propeller c-truck anchor of dredge and broke two blades Casualty caused by vessel not answering her helm, and the engines not acting properly Wnen entering harbour wind fell light and swell set vessel in towards beach. Anchor was let go in 8 fathoms, but cable parted through defective link shortly after, and vessel drove on and up the beach. No blame attachable to master in any way Casualty caused by default of master of " Admiral " in not attending to navigation of his steamer. He was censured for handing over his vessel to an inexperienced man, and ordered to pay £5 5s. towards costs of inquiry Alfred Labruyere Kemp. Thomas Henry Clarkson. May 1 Schooner 5-1 5 1 1 Mokau, s.s., 2 years Schooner 98 Coal Stranded; partial loss | mile north of Mana watu River B. Light .. George Archibald Craike. 2 Kennedy, s.s. ,38 years Toroa, s.s., 5 years Warrior, 5 years Damage to propeller Stranded ; no damage Stranded; slight damage Off Albion Wharf, Nelson Harbour Inside North Spit, Wa nganui Bar J mile inside lighthouse, Kaipara Harbour Edward Graham. Schooner 127 15 1 General Calm 5 Schooner 133 6 Ballast.. S.E. Light .. Frederick Chas. Must. Arthur Seeley. 5 Schooner 73 5 Calm 6 Admiral, s.s., 20 Collision ; no damage Between Kau Point and Point Halswell, Wellington Harbour \ Arthur Ernest Burt. ■Edwin John I Booth. Schooner 82 20 :;': s years 6 Waitara, s.s., 25 years 15 6 Collision; slight damage Light ..