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Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.


Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, Name of Person iniured Accident. and Official Number. wame 0I erson injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1904. Jan. 1 Amelia Sims, Lyttelton, 112525 Oscar Johnson, A.B. .. Loss of part of second finger left hand Lyttelton While heaving on the winch, Oscar Johnson slipped and caught his hand in the cogs of the winch, and injured second finger of left hand. Steamer was taking on board a portable engine weighing nearly 5 tons, when the mast snapped near the centre, bringing down with it a large quantity of wreckage. While crossing " Corinthic" from " Rotoiti," Burtenshaw accidentally fell down the "Corinthic's" No. 4 hold, a distance of about 40 ft., sustaining severe injuries to the brain and shock to the system, from whioh he died the same day in Wellington Hospital. Verdict: Accidental death, no blame being attachable to anybody. Charles Bales, A.B., while employed about the cathead clearing the sail, fell overboard and was drowned. Court found that the evidence showed no one was to blame for the accident, and that master and crew did all in their power to save the man's life. When attempting to board vessel deceased, who was in the act of sitting down on the edge of the wharf, overbalanced himself and fell, striking his head on the rail of the vessel. He was promptly taken out of the water and removed to the hospital, where he died. While working in 'tween deck George Stephens, O.S., fell down an open hatchway into the hold, a distanoe of about 15 ft. Leg was broken through foot slipping on the deck, causing him to fall. Verdict: That the death was due to misadventure, caused by a blow lawfully struck by the first officer in self-defence and under great provocation. A. J. Searle was found in a dying condition at the bottom of No. 2 hold, which was not in use, and consequently the upper-deck hatches were on, while those of the 'tween decks were not on. Verdict: Found dead, and that death was due to shock and failure of the heart's action, induced by the injuries received, but there was insufficient evidence to show how the injuries were caused. When picking up a bag of grass-seed on the wharf he sprained his back. Accidentally fell overboard from the fore upper-topsail yard when taking in a sail, and was drowned. Court of Inquiry reported that master, officers, and crew did everything that was possible to rescue him. . 26 Waiotahi, s.s., Auckland, 94250 S. C. Brown, passenger.. Wound on temple, and shock Auckland Feb. 3 Corinthic, s.s., Liverpool, 115296 James D. Burtenshaw, assistant - pantryman on s.s. " Rotoiti " Fatal .. Glasgow Wharf, Wellington Saxon, schooner, Auckland, 70361 Charles Bales, A.B. Fatal; drowned About IJ miles S.W. by S. of Sail Rook, 14 miles from Whangarei 3 6 Huia, ketch, Auokland Neils Albert Bertelsen, master Fatal; fracture of base of skull .. Hobson Street Wharf, Auokland Delphic, s.s., Liverpool, 106851 George Stephens, O.S. .. Concussion of the brain and broken wrist Wellington 9 . 22 Tokomaru, s.s., Southampton 99624 Waiwera, s.s., Southampton, 110243 Thomas Howe, trimmer Broken leg Lyttelton Mar. 8 James Turner, boatswain Fatal .. Timaru . 10 Waiwera, s.s., Southampton, 110243 Alfred John Searle, boatswain's mate Fatal .. Timaru Kennedy, s.s., Nelson, 52361 .. 1 William Henry O'Neill, A.B. William Kassens, A.B... Sprain Little Akaloa 23 23 Northern Chief, Auckland, 87545 Drowned At sea, on a voyage from Newoastle to Auckland