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Return of all Unions registered under the said Act, and the Number of Members of such Unions— continued.

Names of Unions registered as Industrial Unions of Employers and Industrial Unions of Workers. ° Industrial Unions of Workers — continued. Brought forward ... ... ... ... 4832 12749 Canterbury District —continued. Christchurch United Furniture Trades ... ... ... .. 89 Homebush Collieries ... ... ... ... ... 34 Lyttelton Casual Wharf Labourers ... ... ... ... 67 Lyttelton Mercantile Marine Officers ... ... ... ... 15 Lyttelton Seamen ... ... ... ... ... 26 Lyttelton Stevedores ... ... ... ... ... 339 Rangiora Branch, No. 2, of the Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners'Association 19 South Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks ... ... ... 20 Theatrical Employees' Association of New Zealand ... .. ... j 45 Timaru Carpenters ... ... ... ... ... I 16 Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New j 114 Zealand Timaru Dressmakers, Tailoresses, and Shirtmakers ... ... ... j 60 United Boilermakers and Iron-ship Builders of Canterbury ... ... 47 United Millers, Engine-drivers, and Mill Employees' Society of Canterbury... 74 Waimate Workers ... ... ... ... ... 173 5,970 Otago and Southland District — Dunedin and Suburban Carters ... ... ... ... 120 Dunedin and Suburban Operative Butchers ... ... ... 82 Dunedin Bakers and Pastrycooks ... ... ... ... 116 Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners ... j 143 Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers ... ... j 114 Dunedin Cooks and Stewards ... ... ... ... , 33 Dunedin Mercantile Marine Officers ... ... ... ... 14 Dunedin Operative Bootmakers ... ... ... ... 141 Dunedin Operative Stonemasons ... ... ... ... 20 Dunedin Operative Tailors' Society ... ... ... ... 107 Dunedin Painters ... ... ... ... ... 143 Dunedin Range-workers ... ... ... ... ... 24 Dunedin Section of the Australasian Federated Seamen ... ... 559 Dunedin Tailoresses ... ... ... ... ... 496 Dunedin Tinsmiths ... ... ... ... ... 20 Dunedin United Furniture Trades ... ... ... ... 66 Dunedin United Plumbers and Gasfitters ... ... ... 34 Dunedin Wharf-labourers ... ... ... ... ... 58 Invercargill Bootmakers ... ... ... ... .21 Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 357 Zealand Iron and Brass Moulders' Union of New Zealand ... ... ... 112 Mataura Paper-mill Workers... ... ... ... ... 15 Oamaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 90 Zealand Otago Agricultural and General Labourers ... ... ... 118 Otago Box-workers ... ... ... ... ... 29 Otago Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Bailway Servants of New Zealand 549 Otago Brass-finishers and Electro-platers ... ... ... 15 Otago Bricklayers ... ... ... ... ... 36 Otago Brick-workers ... ... ... ... ... 40 Otago Coach-workers and Wheelwrights... ... ... ... 26 Otago Coal-miners ... ... ... ... ... I 513 Otago Felt Hatters ... ... ... ... ... 26 Otago Grocers' Assistants ... ... ... ... ... 88 Otago Hosiery-workers ... ... ... ... ... 36 Otago Iron-workers ... ... ... ... ... 29 Otago Lithographers ... ... ... ... ... 14 Otago Metal-workers' Assistants ... ... ... ... 43 Otago Operative Plasterers ... ... ... ... ... 15 Otago Saddlers, Harness- and Collar-makers ... ... ... 36 Otago Sailmakers... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Otago Seine Fishermen's ... ... ... ... ... 43 Otago Shearers ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 Otago Timber-yards and Sawmills ... ... ... ... 56 Otago Tramways... ... ... ... ... ... 110 Carried forward. ... ... ... ...4820 18719