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£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. CLASS XXI.—POLICE DEPARTMENT :— Vote No. 81—Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Allowance to Walter Dinnie, Commissioner of Police, on appointment, towards passage from England, allowance for outfit-expenses, freight, &c. Item 2—Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Constable Cornelius O'Sullivan (equal to one year's salary) Item 3 - Compassionate allowance to widow of the late Police Constable Ferguson (recommended by Public Petitions Committee) Item 4—Expenses attending the detection of sly-grog sellers .. Item 5 —Payment to J. B. Tunbridge, Commissioner of Police, on retirement (equivalent to three months' salary at £600 per annum) Item 6 —Payment to Walter Dinnie from 8th June (date of arrival in the colony) to 30th June, 1903, prior to appointment as Commissioner of Police at £500 per annum Item 7—Refund to prosecutor of portion of money found on C. Blake and paid to Public Aocount as estreated reoognieance (recommended by Public Petitions Committee) Item 8 —Rewards for conviction in sly-grog cases Item 9—Special allowance to ex-Constable Stewart for serious permanent injures received in the service, 29th January, 1903, to 28th January, 1904 409 10 10 119 11 4 50 0 0 618 8 0 150 0 0 31 18 11 3 10 9 343 0 0 39 0 0 Total net expenditure, Vote No. 81 £1,764 19 10 CLASS XXII.—DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY :— Vote No. 83—Miscellaneous Services :— , Item 1—Arrears of rates due by Crown tenants (section 124, " The Land Act, 1892 ").. Item 2 —Assistance to Mrs. Matheson to obtain transfer of Section 4, Tutaekara Village Settlement, from her late husband's name to herself Item 3 —Back-pegging sections in Wellington Distriot Item 4—Board of Examiners of Surveyors Item 5—Buffalo Domain Board (fencing and improvement of domain) Item 6 —Claims under the Naval and Military Settlers Acts, — Charles Haddon Mrs. S. A. Taylor, on account of the late John Cook 50* 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0 Item 7—Clearing bush lands for settlement, bushfelling byunemployed Item 8—Compensation re widening of Holsworthy Road Item 9 —Compensation to settlers in Gladstone Farm Homestead Block on surrendering their leases, — J. Parsons W. Hattan W. F. Pidgeon A. J. Gould (survey fee).. J. Gould (survey fee) 78 13 0 108 12 6 103 19 0 6 5 0 12 10 0 454 1 1 91 12 9 Item 10—Compensation to James Speddiri for damage to land in lieu of all claims Item 11—Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attenaance auring illness, ana contingent expenses in connection with same, — Compensation for injuries Medical fees Accident insurance premium Travelling-expenses Gravestone Transport of corpse 309 19 6 384 12 0 50 12 0 26 10 0 16 12 0 12 0 0 6 16 0 Item 12—Contribution towards establishing a comparateur for surveyors' five-chain bands for use by the various Survey Departments in the British Empire Item 13—Cutting a drain on Sections 8 and 13, Blook IV., Seaward Bush Item 14—Deficiency in area of land granted to J. Wallis, Whaingaroa Parish (75 acres) Item 15—Denniston Domain Board (improvement of domain) Item 16 —Equality of exchange of Taurangi and Aorangi Blocks (site of new township at Mangaroa in the Ohura) .. Item 17 —Eradication of noxious weeds on Crown lands 497 2 0 8 12 6 40 0 0 100 0 0 1,021 1 9 Carried forward 2,632 9 7