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Alphabetical List of applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

X.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INVENTIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING 30th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."]

PPl icai jion. l aze. 'e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Wilson, J. F., and another, invercargill, N.Z. Preventing theft of watches Wilson, R. A., Bull's, N.Z. Loading gravel.. Wilson, H. L., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Socket for broomhandle Wiltshire, W. I., Wellington, N.Z. Construction of buildings Winkley, E. W. H., and another, Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16945.) Witt, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Garbage-receptacle Wolff, F., Auburn, Vic (See Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company of Australasia, Limited, No. 16943 ) Wolf, J. D., London, Eng. Separation of metals Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company, Limited, The, and another, Birmingham, Eng. Flexible joint for shearing-machine Wood, V. H. L., Auckland, N.Z. Supporting window-curtains Wright, G. W., Melbourne, Vic. Concentrating ores Wright, J., Auckland. Fencing-standard Wright, J., Auckland. Wire fencing-batten .. Wyers, W. H., Stoke Newington, Eng. Preserving yeast 16758 6 Aug. 66 20 Aug.* 16895 16856 1 Sept. 25 Aug. 74 74 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 16694 28 July GO 20 Aug.* 16589 4 July 68 6 Aug. 17051 16909 29 Sept. 4 Sept. 84 78 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 15636 15593 16738 16774 17039 17 Nov., 1902.. 31 Oct., 1902 .. 31 July 6 Aug. 30 Sept. 63 (SO 66 70 84 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oct. Yott, F., Essendon, Vic. (See W. A. Shields, No. 16885.) Young, W. A., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Motor palace-car 16779 11 Aug. 78 1 Oct.*

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Lccount-book, Loose-leaf Lccumulator icetylene-generator Lcetylene-generator tdvertising appliance Ldvertising medium igglomerating ore .. dr from cans, Exhausting dr, Treating jnalgamating ores tmbulance L nchor, Sea and surf mimal-cover mimal-cover, Fastening ,nimal-trap Lnimal-trap Lnti-friotion device for plane .. Lrtificial flower for window display irtificial stone T. Foster and T. T. Paul W. and E. Brain R. Aiken and W. Cobley F. W. Smith P. J. Jackson F. H. Hatherley and G. N. H. Johnston A. and W. J. Maiden W. Stevenson Regenerated Cold Air Company.. H. Jones J. Mackay and F. W. Hamilton.. J. C. Voss A. Thompson G. P. Martin L. Gaitt .. R. S. Black A. L. Cummings F. L. Carr N. Borchardt 15911 17061 16752 17031 16608 16995 15514 16591 16808 16797 16927 16762 16889 16687 16655 15487 16691 16748 16912 24 Jan. 30 Sept. 6 Aug. 29 Sept. 9 July 18 Sept. .. 16 Oct., 1902 6 July 15 Aug. 14 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Aug. 27 Aug. 20 July 15 July 3 Oct., 1902 27 July 5 Aug. 4 Sept. .. 63 84 G6 81 78 81 57 70 70 6 Aug. 29 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oct. 15 Oot. 9 July.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept.* 66 74 66 68 70 GG 60 78 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 1 Oot. Sailing and unhailing cows {allast-raising, &e, Machine for iallast-raising, &c, Machine for iall-valve {ar and stop for mitre-cutter .. 5arbed-wire recoiler and uncoiler {ath salt, Mineral-water-iatten, FencingJattery. (See Electrical battery, Secondary battery.) iedstead {edstead attachment {eeswax, Composition substitute for 3elt-fastener {evel joints {icycle. (See also Cycle.) {icycle-driving mechanism 5icycle-lock {icycle-tire {icycle-tire {icycle-tire {ill-file {illiard and dining table combined W. V. Hosking H. Quertier H. Quertier W. Wallace R. Dunne W. A. Taylor T. Dawes J. Wright 15700 15586 16712 16952 16662 16840 16920 16774 29 Nov., 1902 31 Oct., 1902 30 July 10 Sept. 16 July 22 Aug. 2 Sept. .. 6 Aug. 78 66 66 78 68 70 74 70 1 Oct. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oot. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* K. Nunneley E. J. Restorok F. Mason.. T. and M. J. Kilkelly R. Wales 16882 16714 16700 16810 17006 29 Aug. 30 July 25 July 14 Aug. 17 Sept. .. 74 66 70 84 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oct.* Ah Pat .. A. M. Legge E. A. Dane and R. P. Gibbons .. J. Turnbull and S. Nicolson G. H. Moss, jun. A. L. Heighton C. J. Duffy 16579 16850 16829 16956 17011 16771 16690 3 July 24 Aug. 17 Aug. 10 Sept. 22 Sept. .. 6 Aug. 27 July 00 70 70 81 81 70 66 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.*