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STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.


o > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Creaits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. Class XI. — Printing and Stationery Department :— Printing and Stationery £ s. d. 70,702 10 1 £ s. d. 49 £ s. a. 29,402 4 1 £ s. d. 41,300 6 0 £ s. d. 895 12 2 £ s. d. 42,195 18 2 £ s. d. 42,491 0 0 £ s. d. 295 1 10 Total Class XI. 70,702 10 1 29,402 4 1 41,300 6 0 895 12 2 42,195 18 2 42,491 0 0 295 1 10 50 51 Class XII. —Stamp and Deeds Department: — Stamp Department Land and Deeds Registry 8,119 16 1 21,107 17 7 15 15 0 817 13 2 8,104 1 1 20,290 4 5 8,104 1 1 20,431 13 5 8,216 0 0 20,327 0 0 111 18 11 141 9 0 104 13 5 Total Class XII. 29,227 13 8 833 8 2 28,394 5 6 141 9 0 28,535 14 6 28,543 0 0 111 18 11 104 13 5 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Class XIII. —Education Department: — Head Office Public Schools Secondary Education Drill in Schools Native Schools Industrial Schools School for Deaf-mutes School for Blind Technical Instruction Miscellaneous Services .. ... 5,587 4 11 459,886 10 10 21,446 14 9 6,387 1 8 21,774 15 8 29,913 7 3 4,542 6 10 553 10 5 14,996 15 7 3,618 5 1 2 0 0 9,183 5 11 183 1 11 2,069 3 1 9,735 14 10 417 19 0 70 5 0 81 6 2 10 0 5,585 4 11 450,703 4 11 21,446 14 9 6,203 19 9 19,705 12 7 20,177 12 5 4,124 7 10 483 5 5 14,915 9 5 3,617 5 1 6 17 0 28* 13 7 5,592 1 11 450,703 4 11 21,446 14 9 6,232 13 4 19,705 12 7 20,214 16 11 4,124 7 10 483 5 5 14,915 9 5 3,617 5 1 5,712 0 0 456,282 0 0 23,050 0 0 5,640 0 0 20,575 0 0 24,034 0 0 4,207 0 0 639 0 0 16,530 0 0 4,289 0 0 ' 119 18 1 5,578 15 1 1,603 5 3 869 7 5 3,819 3 1 82 12 2 155 14 7 1,614 10 7 671 14 11 •■ 592 13 4 37* 4 6 Total Class XIII. 568,706 13 0 21,743 15 11 546,962 17 1 72 15 1 547,035 12 2 560,958 0 0 14,515 1 2 592 13 4 62 63 64 Class XIV. —Lunacy and Charitable Department :— Lunatic Asylums Inebriates' Homes Charitable 90,605 17 4 5,172 13 5 3,620 7 9 22,028 11 11 1,103 7 11 5 3 7 68,577 5 5 4,069 5 6 3,615 4 2 224 13 4 20 0 0 27 7 6 68,801 18 9 4,089 5 6 3,642 11 8 69,434 0 0 4,501 0 0 4,087 0 0 632 1 3 411 14 6 444 8 4 Total Class XIV. 99,398 18 6 23,137 3 5 76,261 15 1 272 0 10 76,533 15 11 78,022 0 0 1,488 4 1 Class XV. —Department of Labour: — Department of Labour 65 10,077 15 9 475 0 0 9,602 15 9 236 18 4 9,839 14 1 10,010 0 0 170 5 11 Total Class XV. 10,077 15 9 475 0 0 9,602 15 9 236 18 4 9,839 14 1 10,010 0 0 170 5 11 06 67 68 Class XVI. —Mines Department :— Mines Department Meteorological and Museum Department Miscellaneous Services 5,630 10 0 683 14 0 13,540 16 3 5,630 10 0 679 14 0 13,434 15 6 5,630 10 0 679 14 0 13,729 1 2 7,085 0 0 841 0 0 14,975 0 0 1,454 10 0 161 6 0 1,245 18 10 4 0 0 106 0 9 294* 5 8 Total Class XVI. 19,855 0 3 110 0 9 19,744 19 6 294 5 8 20,039 5 2 22,901 0 0 2,861 14 10