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4. In the case of a Bill affecting any land, a like advertisement shall be published once at least in each of three successive weeks in some newspaper or newspapers published or circulating in each county or borough wherein any land affected by the Bill is situate. 5. Every such advertisement shall be headed by the Title of the Bill, and shall state the objects of the Bill, and the time when printed copies thereof will be deposited in the Private Bill Office, and shall also set out all other particulars required by these Orders to be published. 6. Where a Bill contains any provision— (a.) For amending or repealing any existing Act; or (&.) For the compulsory purchase or user of any lands, or for extending the time limited for making any such purchase or user by any existing Act; or (c.) For imposing an improvement-charge on any lands, or for rendering any lands liable to an improvement-charge ; or (d.) For relinquishing any part of a work authorised by an existing Act; or (c.) For empowering a company to sell or lease its undertaking, or to buy or take on lease the undertaking of any other company, or to amalgamate with any other company ; or (/.) For levying any tolls, rates, or duties, or for granting, varying, or annulling any exemption from payment of tolls, rates, or duties ; or (g.) For granting, assigning, varying, or annulling any special or particular rights or privileges whatsoever, — such provision shall be clearly and distinctly specified in the advertisement of the Bill. 7. In the case of a Bill for authorising any work, the advertisements shall also give a description of ■ all the termini of the work, together with the names ] of the provincial districts, counties, boroughs, or, other territorial divisions from, in, through, or into which the work is intended to be made, maintained, diverted, extended, or enlarged ; and shall further state the time when and the place where the plans, books of reference, sections, and Gazettes hereinafter mentioned will be deposited with the Commissioner of Crown Lands, as by these Orders required. 8. In the case of a Bill for erecting or making gasworks, or sewage-works, or works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual products of gas or sewage, or giving power to construct a station j for generating electricity, or authorising the making or erection of a sewage-farm, burial-ground, crematorium, destructor, or hospital for infectious diseases, the advertisements shall describe the lands in or upon which it is proposed to make or erect such gasworks, sewage-works, works for the manufacture or conversion of residual products, station for generating electricity, sewage-farm, burial-ground, crematorium, destructor, or hospital. 9. In the case of a Bill for making a tramroad or for laying down a tramway, the advertisements' shall specify the gauge to be adopted and the motive power to be used. 10. In the case of a Bill for laying down a tramway, ; the advertisements shall state on which side of the street or road it is proposed to lay down the tramway, and shall indicate the points (if any) where a less space than will intervene between the outer edge of the footpath along the street or road and the nearest rail of the tramway.

Bill affecting land to be] advertised locally.

Contents of advertisement. 5.0., No. 16.

Certain provisions to be specified.

S.O. of House of Commons, No. 3.

Further particulars where Bill authorises work. S 0., No. 17.

Where Bill authorises a nuisance. Ibid., No. 18; S.O. of House of Commons, No. 5.

Tramroad and Tramway Bills. S.O. of House of Commons, No. 6.

Further particulars in case of Tramway Bills.