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We would also most respectfully beg to recommend to Your Excellency that the remainder of Te Akau Block, consisting of 73,703 acres, should be granted to the fifty-seven persons of the Ngatitahinga Tribe named in the paper hereunto annexed and marked as Appendix D, or to such other persons as may have been or may hereafter be appointed by the Native Land Court to succeed to any of the fifty-seven persons who may have died since the issue of the Crown grant. We would lso further recommend that if a Crown grant be issued, the names of Rota and Eruera, of the Ngatitahinga Tribe, or their lawful representatives, may be added to the names of the fifty-seven persons or their representatives above alluded to. We hereby certify to Your Excellency that we have made diligent inquiry into all matters and things as directed in Your Excellency's Commission dated the Ist day of February, 1904, and we most humbly submit to Your Excellency the foregoing report of our opinion resulting from the said inquiry in respect of the several matters and things investigated by us under and by virtue of the said Commission. As witness our hands and seals, at Auckland, this ninth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four. Henry A. H. Monro, ).-, T tvt t Commissioners. James Mackay, 1