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St. Michael's Square—the site chosen, and previously the property of the New Plymouth Borough Council—in the School Commissioners, in exchange for certain education reserves at the west end ol the town, with the view of having the square declared a school-site, in accordance with the power vested in the School Commissioners by the Education Reserves Act. In this connection the thanks ot the Board are due to Mr. James Mackenzie, Commissioner of Crown Lands for Taranaki, for assistance given in arranging details of the Exchange Bill, also to Messrs. Smith, Jennings, Symes, and Major, Ms H.R. for securing the passing of the Act. During the year plumbing classes in theory and practice were established at New Plymouth and Stratford. An examination held at the conclusion of the first course showed that the instruction had been on sound lines. School classes, under the Manual and Technical Act, have been established, and are progressing satisfactorily in a number ot schools. Extract from the Report of the Inspectors of Schools. During the year manual work was undertaken, and recognised by the Department in a little under half of the schools of the district, and in many cases a marked improvement was noticeable m the intelligence with which the subjects were treated and co-ordinated with the rest of the school work. Indeed, the teachers are making strenuous efforts to remedy what was last year pointed out as a detect, and are more and more looking upon manual work in its proper light—a method of teaching. Classes for the instruction of teachers were continued, and were well attended.

wanganui. Extract from the Report of the Education Board. In April the building erected in Palmerston North for the secondary department of the College Street District High School was opened. The building provides accommodation for the lechmcal School classes in drawing, painting, &c. Excluding furniture, the cost of the building exceeded £2 300 £800 was contributed by the Government for the District High School, and also £760 tor tne Technical School and fittings and furniture. A sum of £200 contributed by residents of Palmerston North several years ago for a technical school was invested until required, and earned in interest tne sum of £25 4s. Bd. On the £200 there was a subsidy of £200, and the balance of the sum required was provided by the Board. -, At the Wanganui Boys' District High School a science-room and a woodwork-room were erected during the year, and thoroughly equipped for practical work. Towards the end of the year a grant was made for equipping the woodwork-rooms at Hawera and College Street District High Schools, and the science-room at the latter school. The grant for the science room at Hawera was not made until early in this year. In the opinion of the Board, provision should be made for science, cookery, and woodwork rooms at Feilding, and cookery and plumbing rooms at Waof Teachers.—A week was added to the June holidays for the purpose of holding a winter school for the training of teachers. Lectures and addresses on subjects of interest to teachers were given by Miss Eva Hooper, Mr. W. Gray (Chief Inspector), and Mr. J. A. Johnson, of Timaru Mam School. The female teachers were instructed in brushwork and paper-work by Miss Hooper, and the males in cardboard-modelling by Messrs. H. M. Payne and J. Banks, and in free-arm drawing by Messrs. L J. Watkin and D E Hutton. More than two hundred teachers attended the classes, me majority took several subjects.fiTo Mr. W. Gray, Chief Inspector, is due the credit for the excellent arrangements and for the consequent success of the school. Miss Eva Hooper was engaged by the Board tor seven months from the beginning of June. During this time she visited many of the schools and gave advice to the teachers, chiefly on subjects of technical instruction. She also conducted classes tor teachers at Palmerston North in paper-work, at Wanganui in brushwork and paper-work, and at Hawera in paper-work. These'classes were fairly well attended, and much good work was done which cannot fail to be of great benefit to those who were sufficiently interested to attend regularly. Classes for elementary handwork were held during the year in connection with eight schools. Classes for cottage-gardening were held at ten schools. Classes for swimming, science, first aid and home nursing and woodwork were also held. Instruction in needlework was given in twenty-seven schools with an average attendance of less than forty-one. In all cases the programme of work was approved by the Department. Extract from the Report of the Inspectors of Schools. The infant department received extra prominence owing to the presence in the district, for a period of six months of Miss Eva Hooper, whose services the Board was fortunate to secure. Miss Hooper has had large experience in kindergarten methods, in giving instructions in various branches of manual work suitable for the lower classes, and in lecturing to teachers upon educational subjects, bhe conducted teachers' classes at Wanganui, Palmerston, and Hawera, and visited as many of our mfantrooms as she could in the time at her disposal. We have to acknowledge our thanks to the Board for the generous manner in which it has responded to various requests that we have from time to time made for grants towards the purchase of material for our schools. All the schools in Grades 1, 2, and 3 have been supplied with crayons, bricks, sticks, and plasticine for the use of the primer classes. It has always been recognised that one of the chief difficulties in schools under one teacher is to find suitable desk employment for the little ones. He should now be able, by means of the apparatus provided, to devise occupations which will profitably engage the attention of the primers while he is busy with the standard classes. A grant was also made towards the purchase of science material, and there is now no excuse for teaching this subject without apparatus. A number of teachers have already procured such apparatus as they require ; and we would urge upon all wholhave not done so tojnake application,, without delay.