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General History. — For Civil Service Senior. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Give some account of maritime discovery in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 2. Compare the empires of Philip 11. and Napoleon 1., and show how each was acquired. 3. Give a sketch of the history of the Ottoman Turks in Europe in their relation to the other European Powers. 4. What revolutions in human thought were introduced by Copernicus, Newton, and Darwin ? 5. Give some account of the revolutionary movements of 1848, and trace their causes. 6. Write short notes on the Concordat, Fronde, Peace of Byswick, Berlin Decrees, Convocation of Notables, Diet of Augsburg, Hanseatic League, Thirty Years' War. 7. Describe briefly the growth of the Bussian Empire from Peter the Great's time. 8. Comment on Bishop Berkeley's lines on the prospect of planting arts and learning in America :— " Westward the course of Empire takes its way ; The first four acts already past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day ; Time's noblest offspring is its last."

Constitutional History. — For Civil Service Senior. Time allowed : Three hours. 1. An English journal, referring to the Victorian strike, said that "the Commonwealth required a strong Governor who-would do for it what Lord Milner had done for South Africa.' Comment on this statement. 2. It is said that absolute ownership of land is unknown to the English law. How does this view apply to the land system of this colony ? 3. Give a brief history of cabinet government during the last two centuries. 4. Compare the taxation of Great Britain with that of New Zealand. What modification would a preferential tariff introduce ? 5. What is the ordinary course of a public bill through Parliament? What measures are in New Zealand reserved for royal assent ? 6. Give the chief steps by which the liberty of the subject has been achieved. 7. Compare the merchant-guild system with the industrial system of this colony. 8. What are the chief privileges of Parliament ? How are they enforced ?

Contracts and Torts. — For Civil Service Senior. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. (a.) A verbally engages the services of B as a clerk for a period of one year, the duties to commence one week from the date of the agreement, and either party to have the right to terminate the engagement by three months' notice, expiring at the end of the first six months : can B enforce the contract against A ? Give your reason. (b.) Where a contract for the sale of goods is required to be in writing, must the writing state .the price ? What exception is there to the rule ? 2. What are the rules in regard to the validity or invalidity of contracts by lunatics and drunken persons ? 3. (a.) A gives an order personally to C, an expressman, upon an express stand. A thinks that Cis B, but this is unknown to C. C undertakes the order. (b.) A posts an order for goods, addressed to B. C, who has taken over B's business, receives the order and sends the goods. A accepts them, thinking they have been sent by B. A had in each of the above cases a special reason for wishing to deal with B. Discuss the question of his liability to C in each case. 4. What are the principal classes of cases in which contracts have been held void on the ground of illegality of object ? What is the general principle upon which the validity or invalidity of a contract in restraint of trade depends ? Illustrate this portion of your answer. 5. Discuss the question whether a breach by one party of some term of the contract, or a partial failure to perform the contract, will entitle the other party to consider himself discharged from performance, or further performance, of the contract on his part. 6. What are the remedies against an agent who contracts without authority ? What is the law applicable where a contract has been entered into by an agent on behalf of a principal who was dead at the date of the contract, the death being unknown to the agent ? 7. In what classes of torts is " malice" said to be an essential ingredient? How would you define " malice" in its present legal sense? In what classes of torts is neither malice nor negligence an essential ingredient. 8. What classes of torts are incapable of being committed against a corporation ? How can a corporation commit a tort? What are the limits of its liability in this respect? Illustrate this part of your answer by cases. 9. What is the distinction between a servant and an independent contractor ? Compare the liability of an employer for the wrongful acts of an independent contractor employed by him, with his liability for the wrongful acts of his servant. 10. What matters are required to be proved by the plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution? What special rule is there in regard to the functions of judge and jury in such an action ? 11. What is " negligence " ? When is it actionable? Discuss the standard of care required in English law. When will " contributory negligence "of the plaintiff disentitle him to damages? 12. What must a plaintiff prove in an action for trespass to land ? Under what circumstances is a man said to become a trespasser ab initio ? What were the facts and the decision in the Six Carpenters' Case ?