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Table No. 7 — continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Institution for Blind (Vote No. 59). 525 10 5 21 0 0 Charges for pupils at Jubilee Institute, Auckland Separate instruction of pupil at Christohurch 483 5 5 Less recoveries 546 10 5 63 5 0 Technical Instruction (Votes Nos. 60, Consolidated Fund; 94, Publio Works Fund ; and " The Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900"). Salaries of Inspectors (two) Examinations — Science and Art, Board of Education, South Kensington.. City and Guilds of London Institute Capitation— School classes Special associated and college classes Grants for scholarships Grants for training of teachers Material and apparatus for classes Buildings and permanent apparatus (Vote No. 94) .. Railway fares of instructors Railway fares of students attending registered classes of individuals Travelling-expenses of Inspectors Plaster casts Sundries Subsidies on contributions (" Manual and Teohnioal Instruction Act, 1900 ") 710 0 0 152 4 9 188 16 7 5,738 8 5 5,204 1 3 151 10 0 1,728 0 0 438 15 7 11,729 3 0 195 19 6 249 18 4 157 9 1 52 17 3 28 14 10 1,396 17 6 Less recoveries (examination fees) 28,122 16 1 81 6 2 Miscellaneous (Votes Nos. 61, Consolidated Fund; and 93 and 94, Public Works Fund). 28,041 9 11 Subsidies to public libraries Grants in aid of libraries .. Maintenance, &c, of " Milne " Seismograph, No. 20 " Sir George Grey " Scholarships Grant to Victoria College: Continuance of lapBed Queen's scholarships Flags for public schools Inquiry ordered by His Exoellency the Governor: Mace v. Veysey Rhodes Scholarship Conference Gratuity to Mrs. Winklemann, late Native-school teacher Railway fares of school-children to visit naval squadron at Lyttelton Grant to Victoria College towards cost of site and building* (Vote No. 93) .. Grant to Waitaki High School towards cost of site and buildings (Vote No. 93) Grant to Rangiora High Sohool towards cost of additions to buildings (Vote No. 94).. 3,000 0 1 125 0 0 32 2 11 100 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 10 23 7 0 84 12 6 50 0 0 5,931 16 4 137 1 3 755 11 3 1,259 0 0 300 0 0 Statutory Grants. 3,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 400 0 0 University of New Zealand Auckland University College Victoria College, Wellington Marlborough High School 11,400 0 0 Total (including £50 charged to Native Reserves Funds, and £2,000 charged to Civil List) £679,060 1 7