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Table No. 1. Beturn of Officers of Education Boards not included in Table No. 8 as at 31st December, 1903. Auckland. —Secretary and Treasurer, £525; seyen Clerks—2 at £300, lat £200, lat £150, lat £75, lat £60, lat £50. Six Inspectors —1 at £550, lat £400, lat £375, 3at £348 : each with 15s. a day travelling-expenses beyond a certain radius. Six Believing - teachers— lat £200.1 at £175, lat £150, 2at £80, lat £50. Architect, £400 and actual travelling-expenses, cost of stationery, and half-cost of office-rent; private practice allowed. Two Truant Officers—l at £130, with £10 allowance for travelling ;lat £1 a week. Two Carpenters at lis. a day in town, 12s. a day when away from home, and actual travelling-expenses. Four Drill Instructors— 2 at £25, 2 at £20. Technical Instruction and Manual Training. —Director, £450 ; Registrar, £60. Four Instructors of Saturday classes for pupil-teachers—2 at £40, 2at £25. Fifteen Instructors in evening classes at Technical School, aggregating £465 19s. 6d. One Caretaker, £53. Three Instructors in Cookery at Manual Training Schools at £130, also £25 each as Instructors at Teachers' Saturday classes. Three Instructors in Woodwork at Manual Training Schools at £170, also £25 each as Instructors at Teachers' Saturday classes. Three Caretakers at £26 Bs. Taranaki.—Secretary, £250; one Clerk, £30. Two Inspectors—l at £425, with £25 travel-ling-allowance ; lat £250, with £50 travelling-allowance. Two Truant Officers —1 at £70, lat £35. Banger, £7 ; Custodian, £8. Wanganui.—Secretary, £265; two Clerks—l at £120, lat £80. Messenger, £36. Two Inspectors—l at £450, 1 at £340, each with £150 travelling-allowance. Truant Officer, £230. One Eelieving-teacher, £100. Technical Instruction. —Four Art Teachers—l at £225,'1 at £150, lat £105, lat £40. Instructor in Wood-carving, £145. Supervisor of Science Department, £10. Wellington.—Secretary, £425; three Clerks —1 at £225, 1 at £190, 1 at £100; Messenger, £150. Two Inspectors—l at £450, 1 at £425, each with actual travelling-expenses. Six Truant Officers—l at £30, 2at £20, 3at £10, each with actual travelling-expenses beyond a radius of five miles. Clerk of Works, £200. Architect, 5 per cent, on contracts, with actual travellingexpenses. Hawke's Bay.—Secretary and Treasurer, £250; Clerk, £100. Inspector, £500, with £175 travelling-allowance. Technical Instruction. —Seven Instructors —1 at £242, 1 at £61, 1 at £32, 2 at £10, 2 at £5. Marlborough.—Secretary, Treasurer, and Inspector, £396 155., including travelling-expenses ; Clerk, £80. Two Truant Officers—l at £21 3s. id., lat £3. Eelieving-teacher, £6 13s. 4d. Nelson.—Secretary, £300; Clerk, £52. Two Inspectors—l at £350 with £130 travellingallowance ; 1 at £250, with £100 travelling-allowance. Grey.—Secretary and Inspector, £350; Clerk, £150; Truant Officer, £25. Westland. —Secretary and Inspector, £400, including travelling-expenses. Clerk and Truant Officer, £90. North Canterbury.—Secretary, £375 ; Treasurer and Chief Clerk, £275; Clerk, £175; Messenger, £120; Shorthand Clerk and Typist, £60. Three Inspectors, at £437 10s., each with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £140, with actual travelling-expenses. Architect, £275, with actual travelling-expenses. Assistant, £150. Training School. —Principal, £425. Lecturer, £200. Technical Instruction. —Two Manual Instructors—l at 2s. 6d. per hour for boys, and 4s. per hour for adults during actual instruction ; 1 at 2s. 6d. per hour during actual instruction. South Canterbury.—Secretary and Assistant Inspector, £400, including travelling-expenses. Inspector, £600, including travelling-expenses. Assistant Secretary, £200. Clerk, £27. Truant Officer, £40, with travelling-expenses. Otago.—Secretary, £500; four Clerks—l at £300, 1 at £220, 1 at £170, 1 at £100. Four Inspectors—l at £500, lat £475, 2at £375, each with £150 travelling-allowance. Architect, £300, with actual travelling-expenses. Instructor in Gymnastics, £120, with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £150, with actual travelling-expenses. Believing Teacher, £240. Training College. —Principal, £91 18s. 4d. ; Vice-Principal, £300; four Teachers —3 at £40, 1 at £30. School of Art. —Principal, £400; three Assistants —1 at £104, lat £52, lat £25; three Teachers at £50. Southland.—Secretary and Treasurer, £400; two Clerks —1 at £160 10s., 1 at £30. Two Inspectors at £400, with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £150, with actual travellingexpenses. Instructor in Gymnastics, £100, with actual travelling-expenses. Architect and Director of Technical Instruction, £300, with actual travelling-expenses; Assistant, £50. Technical Instruction. —Twenty-three according to results.

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