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Stationary Engines and Cranes. —The repairs, &c., to stationary engines and cranes for the year were as follows: —

There were no new cranes built or converted. Two new 5-ton steam travelling-cranes are under construction. During the year 969 car, van, wagon, and crane axles were renewed with modern steel axles; this number is exclusive of the new stock built. Westinghouse Brake. —The North Island contract for the equipment of engines and rollingstock with the automatic air brake was completed on 31st December, 1903. All engines and rolling-stock in service on Auckland and Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Sections have been equipped with the air brake. All new stock built, before being put into service, is equipped by our own staff with the Westinghouse brake. The South Island contract for equipping with the Westinghouse brake all engines and rolling-stock on the Hurunui-Bluff Section was commenced in November, 1903, and satisfactory progress made by the contractors. On 31st March, 1904, there were in the North Island 155 locomotives, 331 cars, 129 brake-vans, 4,080 wagons, and 6 travelling-cranes equipped with the Westinghouse brake. In the South Island 93 locomotives, 212 cars, 32 brake-vans, and 1,310 wagons were also fitted with this brake. Gar-lighting. —The oil and acetylene gas manufactured at the five separate Pintsch gasworks during the year for car-lighting amounted to 2,877,191 cubic feet, costing 2s. 10£ d. per 100 cubic feet. Auxiliary acetylene-gas plants have been erected at Christchurch and Dunedin for the purpose of producing acetylene gas for mixing with and enriching the oil-gas. The brilliancy of the light has been largely enhanced by the admixture of acetylene gas, which, however, has increased the cost of production. _ During the year 73 cars and brake-vans were fitted with Pintsch gas, making a total of 709 vehicles fitted to date. Workshops. —The workshop plant, machinery, and appliances have been augmented by the addition of new buildings, machinery, and a number of special tools and appliances. An additional iron-foundry, also a foundry for the manufacture of steel castings, have been completed and brought into operation with satisfactory results. Pneumatic tools have now been furnished to all the principal workshops, thus enabling work to be more expeditiously and economically undertaken. An extension of the electric-light installation at Addington Workshops has been completed. A hot-water plant for washing out locomotive boilers was installed at Auckland. All the principal locomotive-depots on the existing railway system have now been so equipped. Tram Running and Mileage.— There has been a large increase in train-mileage. As compared with the preceding year the increase for 1903-4 is 242,066 train-miles, equal to 4-45 per cent., and 388,074 engine-miles, equal to 5-09 per cent. The following statement shows particulars of the expenditure per train-mile :—

The increased expenditure per train-mile is largely due to exceptionally heavy renewals and repairs, and greater consumption of coal. The usual returns are attached.


S. rB O h a £?, 3 t>1 a> > O Boiler-repairs. Description. fi '3 CD m Cβ 3 1 i d ° Cβ O .■gill - m S o "3 «S w -Q .2 * a> « ™ » m w fc Hand-cranes Steam-cranes Stationary engines Hoisting-engines Pile-drivers ... 40 36 10 3 4 1 1 5 6 6 34 29 4 3 3 5 6 2 1 i "2 1 1 2 "4 2 5 2 "l

Cost in Pi Bice, per Train-mile. Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage. Oar and Wagon Branoh. Total. Locomotive Branch. .903-4 .902-3 5,685,399 5,443,333 8,014,702 7,626,628 17-48 16-69 4-73 4-67 22-21 21-36