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calendar months from the date hereof, between me and the other party herein named and described, that is to say: —

Witness mv hand, this day of , 19 . J. S.

SCHEDULE E. Marriage Certificate. Section 26. G. H., the Registrar of Marriages for the District of To A. 8., of , an Officiating Minister for the District of and all other Officiating Ministers for the same district. Whereas C. D., of , has given notice to me, according to the provisions of " The Marriage Acts Compilation Act, 1904," of a marriage intended to be solemnised between the said C. D. and E. F., of [spinster]: And whereas the said C. D. has complied with all the requirements of the said Act: Now I, G. H., the Registrar of Marriages for the District of , do hereby certify to you, the said A. 8., and to all other Officiating Ministers for the District of , that the said C. D. has complied with the requirements of the said Act, and marriage may be solemnised between the said C. D. and E. F. : Provided that such marriage be publicly solemnised in the presence of you the said A. 8., or any one of you [or the Registrar], and two or more witnesses, within three calendar months from the [Here insert the date of giving notice], in the [Here describe the church, building, office, or 'place where the marriage is to be between the hours of eight in the forenoon and four in the afternoon. Given under my hand this da 3' of , 19 . G. H., Registrar.

SCHEDULE F. Marriage Register. 19 . —Marriages in the District of [Auckland].

Sections 33, 3&

Married, after the delivery to me of the certificate required by " The Marriage Acts Compilation Act, 1904," by A. 8., Officiating Minister [or Registrar]. This marriage was solemnised between us, John Cox, J , John Hastings [Place of abode and In the presence calling] . Mary Thompson, of us, Geoffrey Mitchell [Place of abode ( and calling]. x

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4.


Marriage Acts Compilation.

Name and Surname. Condition. Calling or Profession. Age. Dwelling-place. Church, Building, D }^ rict , in ™ Wo , h Length Office', or Place * Party of where the Mar- f? sl g es -.. w ? eI ?. BoBidence. U to he g^SfSS solemnised. tricts.

to, a 8 % •o-a g.2 a x ill Ages. O Condition of the Parties {Bachelor or Spinster). If a Widower or Widow, Date of Decease of former Wife or Husband. Birthplace. Resid. mce. Pan mts 11 P3 Present. Usual. Father's Name and Surname, and his Bank or Prolession. Mother's Name and Maiden Surname.