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[Corn-piled by the Solicitor-General, under the provisions of " The Statutes Compilation Act, 1902," pursuant to the resolution of both Bouses of the General Assembly dated the 21st day of November, 1903.]


Title. ' ANALYSIS. 1. Short Title. Existing appointments con- 32. Place and time for marriages to be solemnised. titiued. 33. Marriages of Quakers excepted from Act. 2. Act not to extend to marriages of Natives. Such marriages to be registered. _..,_. „ 34. Marriages may be solemnised at the office of Districts, Registrars, dc. Registrar. 8. Districts to be proclaimed. 4. and Registrars to be ap- I Registration of Marriages. pointed, and Deputy R°gistrars. 35. Particulars to be registered may be in5. Duties of Deputy Registrar*. quired. 6. When Deputy to act. 36. Marriages to be registered in register-book. 7. Registrar's power to levy fees. Signatures to register. 8. Registrar.General may make regulations. 37. Registration of marriages in a blank form under certain circumstances. Officiating Ministers. j 38. Penalty for not registering. 9. Ministers of prevailing religious bodies, to be j 39. Copies of register to be forwarded to Registrarcertified by ecclesiastical authorities. In General. Penalty on failure. certain cases certificates may be given by 40. Registrar-General to keep indexes. Searches, office-bearers. extracts, &c. Certified copy of entries to 10. Ministers of religious bodies not enumerated be received as evidence. in Schedule. 41. Registrar-General, in certain oasis, may sup--11. Correct lists to be sent in every year. plement official records of marriages from 12. Lists to be in force for one year only. evidence in the possession of private 13. Ecclesiastical authorities to send in names of : parties. ministers, and certify suspension or de- j 42. Supplemented records to be deemed to be privation of any ministers. original. 14. List of ministers to be gazetted. Addition 43. Sealed copies thereof to be evidence of of names. marriage. 15. Cancellation of names. „ ~, , T ~, ,» 16. Evidence of the right of Officiating Ministers Vahd and Invahd Marriages. (j 0 a0 (j 44. Marriage with deceased wife s sister valid. Notices 45. Marriage with deceased husband's brother in vr *.■ c ■ . ji j ■ i. v ■ permissible and lawful. 17. Notice of every intended marrjageto be given. M Pj be invalid for eertam 18. To be entered in a book open for inspection. ; Iradmissible evidence . No reConsents, Caveats, t£c. lease from penalties. 19. Consent necessary for marriage of minors. 47. Marriages unduly solemnised knowingly to 20. In certain cases Judge of Supreme Court may bo void. consent to the mariiage of minors. 48. Forfeiture of property acquired on marriage 21. Issue of certificaes may be forbidden. of minors without consent. Order of 22. Caveat may be entered. Effect of caveat. Court. Where both parties offend. Appeal on refusal. 49. All tettlements, &c, on any such marriage 23. If caveat vexatious. void. Certificates 50 - P rooee< 3i n g s to be within one year. „. „ , , , ' , .. 51. Like forfeiture for marriage under false 24. Declaration to be made before certificate . „,:„„ . a t» . i . r . IIOUCc. granted. Provision in cases of minors. Offences 25. No certificate to issue if any impediment. _„ -, , . , , . , . 26. Immediate certificates formarriage may be g' Making false declaration. issued in certain ca-es. f- ase representation. 27. Cases where issue of certificate to be deferred. 54 ' S ''emmaing marriage otherwise than accord--28. Certificate to authorise, but not oblige, c IUKl UK '° • • < i i j- * Officiating Mimsters. ' 55 - Sol , emms A n J . lnamtt B? falsel >' Pretending to 29. Notice, certificate, &c, good for three months M „be an Offlciaung Minister. on] I 56. Registrar acting illegally in certain cases. 30. Registrars to make quarterly returns. 57 ' Penal 'y for Bolemnwing marriage of minors J without consent. Solemnisation of Marriages. 58. Making false statements. 81. Certificate to be delivered to Officiating 59. Limitation of prosecutions. Minister. Schedules.

An Act to compile certain Acts relating to the Law of Marriage in TUle New Zealand. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — 1. (1.) The Short Title of this Act is "The Marriage Acts short Title Compilation Act, 19(>4." (2.) This Act is a compilation of the Acts mentioned in Schedule A hereto.