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The examination results are appended :—

Results of University Scholarships and Schools or Mines Examinations.

The maximum number of marks was gained by L. Andrew, who accordingly won the • President's gold medal. This student well deserves his success, for he follows his daily occupation from eight till five, and attends the School of Mines in the evening. This is an example of what can be done by a young man anxious to get on. .1 am pleased to state that the Council have recognised his merit in a fitting manner, by awarding him a scholarship to this school for 1904, of the value of his school fees. The students have shewn a disposition to take a greater number of subjects this year. This is as it should be, for the fully trained man is the man most in demand. Those who study but one or two subjects can never hope to compete against those who have been trained in all branches of their particular work. The Saturday science class has been well attended. Eight prizes were awarded to pupils who attended every meeting of the class, and the first and second prizes were awarded to A. B. Floyd, 80 per cent., and N. Wright, 71 per cent., respectively. Battery and Assaying Depaetjvient. Nine parcels of ore were treated in the experimental plant during 1903. Two were treated by cyanide, six by amalgamation, and one lot crushed and not further treated. The small number of parcels put through is due to the absence of active prospecting in the district. None of the lots calls for special comment. In addition to the assays made in connection with the ore treated in the battery, 165 public assays were made. The following are details of some of the more interesting : 3047/2, from Ohiwa B.P.—These two specimens were sent to be tested for cinnabar, but on testing proved to be merely jasper. 3048/1, from Maratoto.—A carbonaceous shale. 3049/1, Tararua Kanges, near Masterton. —A vanadium-ore for analysis. Thejiighest per centage from the samples was O'l per cent, vanadium. 3077/1, near Huntly, Whangape. —Coal for analysis. Eesult : Moisture, 152 per cent.; hydrocarbons, 335 per cent. ; fixed carbon, 496 per cent.; sulphur, 0-34 per cent. ; ash, 17 per cent.: ash, reddish-brown colour. 3080/1. —A gold railway pass, sent by New Zealand Eailways to be assayed. Eesult : 6275 per cent, gold, 9-2 per cent, silver, 280 per cent, copper : This is equivalent to 15-06 carat. 3083/1, Kaihu, Northern Wairoa.—Consisted of iron-pyrites, replacing wood. Of no value except as a specimen.


Nam* of Student. u C£ 1 co Ti >h CO r> !>•§ B a o co in — P-H & I i s i a s | S> » ! Oc; O . I -3.2 su .2 a =8 o -S® ss-ss asm 'S° ■ i:~ o 3 ; g :» la i 5s Oh I E^ a 3 &■£ ■3.2 o a ■3 3 o>ns S. w S <-> Cd HH i. * se? ft CO tfl ctj flH. CO co ! <3 "3 S i 2 £ i -h ■53 8.2 £ •: so o >. u CO JO in i oJCO H | Pm 00 fl CO CD -3 -3 m ej.rS o fl 0C 60 12 a a 13 ■ft ft o s! . co • CO -TC CO T~ Ur m 3 co g o <.2 <!.2 • I O 3 >- fc „ CO _ 3 &f cc i dCE Irs ° EO — O — 13 ,3 c g& I gpi .2 ! « I rH j £1 S j S I ■ ar to a £ .a O 9 3 j 2 ?r, «•>■ oi ! co ,S cjO 5 g |.S So I S I r" fc O oo a a CCi **! ► as 0 ca c -~ 4 fl I •- Q 6 fl * x o CD i is s S IS s H. M. Clark .. L. Andrew L. Kitching L. Maddern H.R. Jury G. L. Thorburn Allan Baker L. Adams A. Price A. P. Alexander Young Booker .. P. Lavery C. Purnell W. Smith T. Mangan J. Horn H. Lowe M. 0. Johnson .. Nellie Wylie Annie Wylie S. Grigg H. Baker E. G. Ellis N. Wright A. B. Floyd P. Williams G. Warne M. Grigg O. Wright J. C. Paul W. Danby J. P. Rickard .. E. Clarke J. G. Ponlgrain 8 78 72 73 11 85 .-.2 55 87 63 | 71 I 56 53 71 66 47 18 47 55 76 21 69 27 7!) II 70 66 51 68 58 70 77 48 io 81 19 35 04 42 20 •■ .. I " 77 17 ii 36 48 01 48 39 53 ■10 18 82 51 L9 43 20 26 71 so 38 27 22 40 37 26 21 64 58 ' ' .. i .. .. .. .. | ..