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List of Applications and Advances— continued.


ProviAmount sionally Iiocal Authority. applied granted for. or refused. Result of Poll or Petition. or or n. New Loans. r i. New Loans. [varices. Loans o( Purpose of Loan. Remarks. i Previous • : Years. Remarks. £ Brought forward 127,330 Waimate .. RO R0 3AD BOARDS— continued. I Waipipi £ 16,742 £ 16,742 150 i 81,460 I 498 I Construction of roads in Central Subdivision of district. 100 i Metalling portion of Rama Road. 200 Metalling remaining unmetalled portions of Waiuku Village-Otaua Road. Grading, forming, and metalling North Road , Uncompleted. i \ .. Construction of a portion of Te Arei Bridge. Uncompleted. Wairoa . 500 ; P.G. Waitara West . . 150 G. 1,500 P.G. Waiuku Waiwakaiho .. 440 ; G. ; No'poll requires Carrifd No poll required 400 1 Forming, grading, and metalling Kelly Road Uncompleted. 600 Metalling portions of Main Road. Metalling on the Kent Road .. .. I Under section 14 ol the Act. Uncompleted. 400 200 Grading, forming, and metalling on the Korito Road. 50 Construction of the Kent Road. 1,000 Metalling and re-forming Main Road. ; Construction of Pretoria Road .. .. Under section 14 oi the Act. Under section 14 of the Act. Weber .. '.'. '.'. '.'. Wirokino . . 1,000 j ('.. 642 G. No poll required I Ditto Under section 14 of the Act. Ditto. 1,255 ! G. 500 G. Carried 200 500 300 Straightening and deviating the Buokley j Ditto. Stream Straightening and deviating the Koputoroa | „ Stream Construction of all roads in Wereroa Township. 1 Metalling and widening Horowhenua West Uncompleted. Road Construction of Heatherlea Road East . . Uncompleted. Under 600 P.G. Uncompleted. 60 P.G. No poll require! section 68 of the Act. Uncompleted. Under section 68 of the Act. Ditto. 60 P.G. .. J 50 P.G. i Ditto Re-forming and metalling Kaihinau Road . Ditto. Metalling Paiaka Road .. .. .. „ 250 i Construction of Gladstone Road. 400 i Re-forming and metalling Kaihinau Road. 500 , Metalling Paiaka Road. 50 Diverting the Otaura Stream. 300 J Construction of Heatherlea Road East. 300 Construction of the Horowhenua Beach Road. ,, r Akaroa .. 3,800 P.G. Canied I B< OROUGH COUNCILS. Akaroa Alexandra Somh Balolutha Blenheim Cambridge Carterton Chriptohuroh EUham Alexandra Somh 7,000 G. Balolutha ..J 500 P.G. Blenheim .. 8,000 G. Cambridge Carterton Christchurch EUham .. 16,000 G. Carried J No'poll J required Carried I 7,000 j 8 J 000 1,500 j Construction of drainage-works .. .. Uncompleted. 1,000 Construction of waterworks. Re-ereoting Balclutha traffic-bridge .. Uncompleted. Erection of an abattoir .. • .. .. Under section 10 of " The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900." 6,000 j Construction of waterworks. 5,000 Construction of high-pressure water-supph . 10,000 Construction of an abattoir. Construction of water-supply and drainage works. Construction of roads and streets .. .. For two successive years' expenditure. Erection of abattoirs .. .. .. j Uncompleted. Construction of drainage and asphalting ' Not in compliance streeis with terms of the Act. Construction of drainage-works .. .. Under section 66 of " The Public Health Act, 1900." Carried Foxton Poxton .. 3,000 G. Gisborne Gore Gisborne .. 4,000 P.G. Gore .. 5,050 R. Grey Lynn Grey Lynn .. ! 1,500 j G. No poll required No poll required Hamilton Hastings Hamilton Hastings .. 500 G. No poll required No poll required 500 2,150 Construction of water-supply works in Richmond Ward. 1,000 Construction of drainage-works. 1,500 Construction of water-supply works within Surrey and Sussex Wards. 5,000 j Construction of water-supply works. 1 Completion of an abattoir.. .. .. Under section 10 of "The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900." 600 Purchasing a site for and erecting thereon an abattoir. Carried forward Carried forward 178 ,.446 | 30,692 118,158